I was there yesterday, my daughters one years old and the other is 11 months old asked them for toys didnt accepted to give it to her, she was very sad all day and cried all the way back home, last week we asked for chair for my other daughter also she didnt accepted to Give it to her she said is reserved for other person, you know is very hard to explain to child under 4 years no specially when you have you dont have money for buy toys for them.I called the number you provide to me hereSir,( the owner)but this person no answering and I left him msgbut Until now he no called me for registere my daughters for new toys like you mention here.
It’s a great place and any assistance should be appreciated no matter if it’s a loaf of bread a can of beans . Guess what it’s more then what you had before . God bless all the people at Urban Ministries and all the volunteers your time and effort is appreciated. For the ones unsatisfied call it a blessing it’s been giving to you in time of need, even if you expected more . You have too realize it’s donations people give .
Good Place.Great people.Job search.Food and Monetary assistance when availableFreeBooksAnd More
I am new to the area and I would actually rate the facility with a 3.5. The only reason would be that I waited for 4 hours, and there was not much to choose from. There was no meat, there was plenty of bread, theres no limit on bread, and the green beans and other items that would have helped were indeed reserved. They really dont explain when you go to the food area. I asked for toiletries and there was not an answer as to why I couldnt get them. I have a 5 person home and my kids would have benefited from the reserved food. I just find it very pointless to be in a hot cramped place with angry hungry people just to get a bag of bread and 2 cans of cream of mushroom. However, when it comes to their clothing store, that is worth the wait if you have a larger family. I found the clothing to be very useful and, they give a sufficient amount of clothes and linens. There is a limit to household goods which is understandable, and a decent selection of shoes. The clothing stores rating is a 5, minus the commotion lol.
My daughter and I have volunteered with this incredible organization. We learned how they receive items and give to those in need at no cost for anyone that needs help.We were fortunate enough to tour the facility and we were able to help sort items along side of the staff members and observe how they interacted with clients visiting the facility.During the tour, we witnessed several individuals working on computers in the education center. It was heartwarming that they offer one on one help with adult education.Hope all who read this will donate to this wonderful organization.We will definitely be back to help!!
They no longer help with utilities. They are full of shot. In fact they are the worst of them all. Because theyll waiste your time for weeks at time then hit you with BS and wont do anything to help you. They gave me the run around for 2 months didnt help at all, my light bill doubled they still cut my lights off. When I sought help via the phone none of the supervisor would take my call. Dont hold any faith with them helping with Utilities at all. Dont waiste your time like I did. The donations they are receiving for Utility help is more than likely going elsewhere. Shame on them.
This organization never stops!! During time in need, they are ALWAYS available to help others in MANY different ways.I have met many who have either been helped or volunteer to help.Hoping all take a moment to get to know this group and what they do for out community.Thank you Fayetteville Urbin Ministry for all you do!!
My uncle Johnny Wilson, Executive Director, is a professional and highly qualified for the very challenging position of controlling the operations and administrative tasks associated with inner/outer workings of the community programs, services and events handled by the organization. He oversees the hardworking and essential staff members, daily with their needs being his priority also, for he cares deeply for them and values his team, just as much as he appreciates his communitys with a genuine love for the people in search of assistance, especially the youth, as well as those who are giving back through their selflessness, volunteering their time and/or monetarily, expressing whats important to themselves, through charity donations to Fayetteville Urban Ministry. Either way, the city is one more step ahead in achieving the ultimate goal of Harmony and moving forward toward a new outlook, overall, on society. My uncle and his team strive to keep these positive points alive and the potential with great confidence for the residents of all walks of life, in Fayetteville. His drive is admirable, to say the least, his optimistic nature and contagious personality traits are so inspiring to me, as I look up to him and respect all hes done and will continue to accomplish by the Grace and Mercy of God, as he is aware, each day, are the keys to success and his integrity remains in tact and is strong as ever through the prayers we send up for him and those he speaks himself. How Blessedly thankful are we all for this incredible community organization and all they do.
Terrible. They act like they dont want to give you anything.. If you ask for something, its for the homeless and then they give you a weird look for even asking.. IF you take anything off their shelves, you get the look or an attitude as if their the ones really pocketing the items and taking all the good items home.. Most of their food items are expired or expiring soon.. They have ugly, dirty clothes. The most useless of places.. A place a true bum could only love..
This is one of the best non profit organizations in the county. Their programs are a blessing for many people in need and I had personally witnessed how hard and tirelessly they work to collect funds to continue their mission of helping our community.
Fayetteville Urban Ministry is a wonderful organization. Janice, Melody, Austin, Johnny, and all of the other employees and volunteers are awesome! They are friendly, helpful, caring and help out in any way they possibly can! THANK YOU for all that you do for the community!
Its about helping you when you cant help your self.
Most useless food bank Ive ever seen. They make you wait an hour and a half, then let you pick out a few items of food, but they watch you and say not that, you cant have anything off that rack, etc. The vast majority is reserved for families (our 6 yr old doesnt make us a family I guess). Lots of day old bread and some misc outdated deli items, not much else. Never seen anything like it. Waste of time.
Great place to volunteer!
I went there today to drop off some items and overheard the guy reading a lady paperwork for food assistance and he was like why would someone who gets EBT come in here for food it figures just something else to upset my day I thought to myself maybe it wasnt enough to last but who was he or anyone to judge someone situation if you dont know I followed lady and talked with her come to find out she was a CNA and her client had died and she had been looking for work for two months just got a job and she has children and about to be evicted and so much more she explained to me that had happened to her they gave her two bags of food for 5 people when I sat there and seen how they gave people they knew 2 grocery carts of food and the lady at the desk told everyone you could only get clothes or food but a couple they knew got it all food,clothes,toys etc... Its sad how you judge people and not help them but give to the greedy turn down the needy .I left I just cant anymore with these type organizations they do what they want with the donations from everyone.
Very friendly but slow and was needing food for the hurricane and all we got was junk food and bread because I didnt have 1 paper
Great staff
I work with a non profit and one of my memebers was calling for help, the lady in assistance was pretty rude.
Tried to get assistance told could not.if my city council approves funding they will lose my vote.