Along with just general enjoyment, this park is an laboratory of learning about nature! So many of our children dont know the names of our native plants, and theyre really missing out on an important connection with the natural world. Go here and show them! The park is loaded with an astounding variety of native wildflowers, grasses, trees and shrubs--free for the viewing. Although Spring is definitely the most beautiful time, there are interesting things to see throughout the seasons if you take the time to look. The park re-creates different ecological areas common in Texas--Tallgrass prairie, Savanna and Woodland, etc. They also have implemented a unique system of re-using rainwater run-off that keeps it all onsite rather than entering city sewers. You can download a scavenger hunt from the website, too. This park is a wonderful gift to the community!
Creative Landscaping maximizes the retention of water, so it is available in the soil even during droughts.