Great store for Architecture coursework, almost always having stock and flexible hours with informed staff.
This art and architecture model supply store is very conveniently located for students in the fine arts who dont have access to stores that are further away. Knowing that undergrads dont have access to cars and may not be as comfortable with public transportation, blackline capitalizes on this opportunity and charges much higher prices than its competitors such as the art co-op in urbana or the hobby lobby in Champaign. Students are willing to pay the up charge because they feel they dont have a choice but the markup is pretty unreasonable
Great place to get essential materials for projects if youre nearby, although due to its size it is limited in the amount of things it can stock.
Great place for architecture students. Good customer service.
As a former employee of Blackline, I am a bit biased in this review. This business is not perfect, but excellent. Convenient location for students (beforehand you had to go all the way to downtown champaign or Urbana). Owner genuinely cares about all of the customers and staff and turns every penny he earns back into the business to make improvements. Prices are very fair. Store is small but stocks everything it can, selection is good. Great resource (both for products and project inquiries) for any kind of art/design student. Proud to have worked here for two years!
Would not have survived architecture school without blackline. Owner is the sweetest person that will go out of his way to help and very knowledgeable. Typically they coordinate with the professors to stock up on materials. So just make this your first place to stop at before going somewhere else. Their materials are cut to the dimensions of the laser cutter bed, so no hassel there.
Excellent art and architectural supply store where the employees go above and beyond!
Owner is great, willing to go out of his way to help people out. Great spot.
The owner is really nice. Talks to the professors and may give discounts around the time of a project.
The owner is very nice and helpful. Always willing to help architecture students in a pinch.
They are never stocked up with materials during crunch times in the semester. Always short on supply, they should learn to fix that. Also the hours are really stupid where it opens on 3pm, which doesnt make any sense.
Staff was very easy to work with and the price was right, excellent service!
Very intelligent staff. Open late great place for architecture students.
Good but slightly over priced
One stop shop for art and architecture materials