Im really glad our city government allowed for the creation of Burlingtons newest and greatest attraction. Had they waited for the developer to secure their funding, this would never have been possible!
This is the biggest pit Ive ever visited. It is truly a beautiful place. The gift shop is also excellent.
We don’t like to brag but we think our giant pit is bigger than Newport’s! See for yourself.Clever display features murals by local artists mounted on blue painted plywood. What a contrast to MOMA’s going through hundreds of shades of white to find the perfect tone for its display rooms. City Place knows how to keep it simple, in keeping with its back-to-nature theme.
A bonafide money pit, Burlingtons giant pit is a must see. Throw loose change in and make a wish, something like I wish this project had financiers beyond the tourists tossing pennies into it!
The pit has come a long way! It might even be #btvs biggest attraction right now!
This pit is really top quality - worth every penny of the $46 million its cost Burlington so far. The gentle contours and the wide-open spaces are truly lovely. The dirt is very fine, so fine that on certain days, when the breeze is just right, youll get some nice particulate matter up your nostrils as you pass by. This city was getting really crowded, so its nice to see that some developer was forward-thinking and reduced the population density with a simple yet avant-garde solution. A perfect specimen to reflect the new post-modern definition of beauty. Brutal, minimalist, and extremely expensive. This would be the perfect venue for a gladiatorial arena in which blood sacrifices would be made to feed the God of Capitalism.
Though this is one of the finer pits in an Urban setting in Vermont, it could definitely use a taco joint and more dirt bikes.
A masterful piece of art and architecture in our beautiful city.
Its a pretty cool pit — waaay better that the one in Newport — but when will we get the rest of Thunderdome built?
You will not believe your eyes! At last #BTV has its own Really Big Hole!