Visited about a year and a half ago so some things may have changed. Its a nice little museum that focuses on a forgotten bit of Boston history, the urban renewal of the West End of the Hub. In the 1950s the city fathers decided to be a-holes and drove numerous immigrants and working class folks out of Boston in the name of city improvement.The most famous person to come out of the West End is Leonard Nimoy. Theres one photo of him there. I feel that his connection should be built up to attract all the nerds in the area and those who visit for Boston Comic Con.The museum is managed by a small group of devotees, most who lived through part of the history of the West End. But when these folks pass therell be nobody left who remembers and I fear that the museum will simply die.
I just walked past this place randomly, when I was just walking around Boston. Im glad I did, even though I had no idea what the place was about being from the UK!The museum was quite interesting talking about the history of the area, the famous people, including the late Leonard Nimoy, who had only passed away a few months before my visit, and had apparently visited the museum a couple of times through the years.Bob, who seemed to run the museum was very helpful. At first, I was slightly put off by his enthusiasm for the museum, but you soon realise, hes not a bad guy, and his enthusiasm for the museum actually made it a more interesting experience.If you like to know about local history (in any country, or city), this museum is definitely worth going. There is no admittance fee, they just ask for a $10 donation.Thanks again to Bob.RobertFrom Jersey, UK (if you remember be in August).
Well told story of urban renewal gone wrong. We were fortunate to have a docent who lived and went to school there. Small, free museum, although donations accepted.
Worth going to see. Could spend 45 minutes or 3 hours.
Small yet wonderful museum packed with so much information on how life was like before the emptiness of the towers of glass. Definitely worth the visit!
A truly wonderful page of history, lovingly maintained by volunteers, to immortalize a neighborhood cruelly destroyed by urban renewal
Loaded with West end nostalgia, walking distance from Faneuil Hall, Aquarium and if one likes walking its not too far from the Charles River, North Station, and other points of Boston history.
Wow! Wonderful community museum with a wealth of information. Must visit.
Wonderful small museum focusing on Urban renewal gone wrong. Small but worthwhile.
Very nice, small, but lots of info and pictures telling the story of the West End neighborhood of Boston.
Well-presented, informative display of an important aspect of Boston history of the 1950s-1960s and the extinction of some neighborhoods. Staffed by knowledgeable volunteers including some who grew up in the West End and can converse with visitors first-hand.
Such a wonderful, moving and important place, a critical piece of Boston history and a cautionary tale of how urban renewal should never again be done. I am so glad I missed my train so that I discovered it right there, plain as the nose on my face. DO NOT MISS.
Great museum. Very small, but theres a lot of text and information. Really interesting to see how the area has morphed over time, and how locals have tried to preserve their rich history.
Tells the tragic story of what became of the old West End and what bad things really come from redevelopment and fake urban renewal. Very informative and interesting.
Beautiful place to visit.
Just local people telling you about west end history
A very interesting story the are very enthusiastic and love there history
An excellent museum about neighborhood life and urban renewal at large.
Wonderful presentation of the sad history of the destruction of the West End neighborhood and the displacement of its residents. Make sure that you listen to the oral history video.
Fascinating and well told history of this Boston neighborhood.
Beautiful museum run by lovely people!!
Important history for anyone with value for community and neighborhoods.
Nice building.
Welcome to West End Museum.
Unique artifacts from the neighborhood
Small but worth it, especially for history buffs. The leveling of the West End is one of the most infamous stories of Urban Renewal. Large pictures and graphics tell the story of the before, the fight, and the aftermath.