What was once a fine ball pit is now a mere acorn-shell of its former self. It still looks good in the residential end of Toontown, though.
Its cute, but theres not much to it. In fact, most people probably cant fit inside the treehouse itself. And once you go through it: Youve seen it all. There used to be more stuff to do behind it, like a ball pit area, but its been sitting empty for decades. Amusing to go through, but easily forgettable in your Disneyland trip.
Absolutely breathtaking experience. Most memorable part of my Disneyland trip. Well worth the almost $100 ticket
What is there to say... Disney is a magical place .
A cute place for the young kids to play and it makes for a great photo opportunity. Well designed and maintained.
A sweet place for the kids to play. Cute photo opportunity.
Cute little treehouse to explore, not much there but kids enjoy it and the design is very cool, its a nice set piece and goes very well with the aesthetic of Toontown.
Much better when the slides and ball pit were still there. Now, like much of Toontown, its a neutered version of itself.
Was a walk up the stairs....and thats all she wrote
Small cute place, as expected not much there.
Fun for my daugher to climb around in.
As the other reviews have said, there isnt much to do here anymore, its just a treehouse now. Kids might like running around in it, but thats about all
Hehehe. Its a treehouse. You can go in it.
Nice tree
Has gone downhill
In words of Owen Wilson: Wow.
Wish they kept the slide and acorn pit, nothing to do here but walk through.
A sad shell of what it once was
I love Disneyland
Lemon Cake
Come visit Chip and Dale they are patiently waiting for your visit.
It was cool!!!!!!