There are two play structures, one geared towards taller/older children and the other for younger/shorter. The playgrounds are wood-chips-based. There is also a sand area and a swings area. There is good visibility for adults to see their children in all these areas at once. 7 park benches in that area as well.There is a small basketball court with one basket and there is a drinking fountain.There are also a couple square picnic tables.Theres a nice garden area with two park benches and a small table with two attached chairs. It seems like it would be a perfect table for a chess or checkers game.There is only street parking and since the park is located across from many apartment buildings, finding a parking spot can be difficult.No dogs
Lots of trees nice play groups d basketball court
Great place for kids and peace of mind
Has everything for kids, youth, adults, and seniors. This newly constructed park is bigger and great for the community. I am here at least 4 times a week.
Clean, nice and quiet most of the time.
It has a basketball and tennis cort but the swings sqweak and the sew saws arnt big enoght
It is a nice park to walk around and get oxygen at and workout at.