If you are looking for a safe, fun, and enriching experience for your child during the summer look no further. The owner takes a special interest in each and every single one of the children and gets to know them. My daughter lost her father lasted year and Shelly really took the time on those hard days to cheer her up and make her feel welcome. She really came out of her shell at Rock Solid. We love it there and will definitely be back!
I’ve been working here as a camp counselor for 4 years now and I love it here. I love being able to make an impact on kids life’s. We give the kids an opportunity to play multiple sports, dance, sing and just let loose. The staff and everyone involved here are a joy to be around. You won’t regret sending your kid to a camp like this. Highly recommend Rock Solid!
I love rock solid. i am apart of the staff here and personally, working at rock solid is probably one of the biggest accomplishments in my life. i love it here. the people are nice, respectful and easy to get along with. the environment is positive and it’s a great vibe. if you need somewhere to send your kids for summer camp rock solid is the place !! it’s amazing. -mya
My kid loves it! They have a homework room that I appreciate and the staff is great with the kids. Good job Rock Solid.
Rock Solid is a phenomenal place for kids to engage with one another and for everyone including the staff to get their lives impacted. Seeing every kid with a smile on their face is really a blessing. It’s truly amazing how on the first day of camp a kid is crying because they don’t want to leave their mom, and by the end of the day they’re crying because they don’t want to leave camp. Here at Rock Solid we’re impacting a kid one at a time.
Never have I seen such destruction of youth in all my years. Below you can see what happened to one innocent boy at this facility. Absolutely awful. Soon after hearing about this possible life threatening incident I removed my child from this place and looked elsewhere. I still dont see any news about this but it seems a boy badly hurt himself climbing a tree while unsupervised. Where he fell and suffered major facial damage. (see image below) Im unsure if other parents opted to do the same as the placed seemed very empty when I arrived to pick him up (I got him the very same day) I did notice one small girl sobbing near the bathrooms but she wouldnt look at me or even respond sadly. Some red could be seen in large circular patterns around the base of two trees as I was leaving. Possible area of impact or where he ended up? I never did find out but that was my last time around the place I made sure to let local authorities know the situation and they told me they would be getting back to me asap. Im just happy that I have my sweet ( and very attractive) child back home and I just pray that girl was alright and the people running that hellhole are being held responsible.
Good place watch your childrens Day Camp needs.
I am the CEO of Rock Solid and can assure you that all of the negative reviews you are reading on this page are false and inappropriate. The posts are being written by a disgruntled ex-employee. We do not even have cabins or sleep over camp and I can assure you that your children are safe, well loved, having fun and being impacted! I apologize for the language being posted by anonymous people. You can certainly bet that if someone were posting something that was true, they would not have a need to use a fake identity. Thanks for entrusting your children with us!
Been working here for 8 years and was a camper before that and I love my job, the people I work with and for, and the kids((:
I went here a while ago and and my friend just barely went. Sounds like we had about the same experience the place seemed really run down and underfunded / understaffed. It had nice people to help but the actual place didnt seem right at all it looked like it was out of business for a long long time. I dont know what is being done with the money they are getting but it doesnt seem like it goes anywhere. And I hear a lot of kids have had some weird situations around the place with higher management / leadership type roles. It just isnt the kinda place you want anyone you care about to go. At least not anymore. I feel kinda bad I have to give such a low rating this time.
The staff here are great!! Wonderful experience for the kids.
My kid loved this camp so much! Totally worth it!
Great place with a lot of great people.
My grandson LOVES Rock Solid!
Treats kids like trash and are nothing but money hungry.