The owner is simply AWFUL!! Vindictive and foul-mouthed, she was verbally abusive when telling me the night before that a class was canceled. No accommodation offered, just a tirade, which continued via email. This Euro-trash pornography photographer should be avoided at all costs!!!
Great experience! I am an adult beginner and have been taking classes here.Teachers are so talented and patient. Will sign up for more classes in the future!
I discovered The Studio School when I stumbled upon Melinda Borysevicz’s stunning paintings at a gallery. After searching the internet for more of her work, I was excited to find out that she owned a studio school. As of today, I have taken her figure drawing workshop, and two drawing/painting classes. Melinda is an extraordinary teacher, and my drawing skills have improved immensely in a short time. Her teaching method is clear and concise, and the small class size allows for one-on-one instruction. She encourages a classical method of drawing and painting, which allows for beautiful, realistic proportions. Melinda is always interested, dedicated, and encouraging.