Small park. Mainly for learning tricks. Not much variety. It was very busy when we went with quite a few high schoolers on scooters.
As all skateparks do, this one suffers from skooter kids. Clears out at ~8pm
I had a great time there... Usually the people there are really nice and its overall a good time! Perfect for people just looking for a good time
It was fun no matter how many skooter kids
Great park! Something for everyone from beginner to advanced
I took my kids (brand new sk8rs, girls) & the kids there welcomed them in even though they were much higher skill levels & girls dont usually skate. It seriously warmed my heart. =) A proud day in history as both a dad & a sk8r.
A nicely sized skatepark with a mini bowl, a few quarter pipes, and some grind ledges.
Good skate park but a little small when there is a crowd