A creepy place for creepy people. Nice that the new Police Station will be across the street.
My favorite store!!
Well anytime day or night when you pull up to the LAmour shoppe you can find a couple of creeps sitting in their cars I dont know what theyre doing but theyre waiting looks like theyre stalking waiting for any opportunity to pounce on you so if youre okay with that what you get inside the LAmour shoppe you forget about outside its so beautiful inside anything and everything you want to do or didnt know you could do you you can find it at this shop anything and everything sex. I have to recommend if youre buying lubrication get the Uber lube its the best on the market color free scent-free chemical-free oil-free stain-free and just woohoo does the job its the best. I worked at a local sex shop and this one is much cleaner and far less busy...so I dont feel like pretty for all the other sex feins like me out here...just dont be a creep about it!
Workers were very nice,helpful,and discreet. They made me comfortable buying my first toy!
A bit pricey I believe on certain things but everyone was nice and respectful and discreet about everything, and they also give you a lot of free samples when you are paying.
My boyfriend played with me it felt good a lot I wanted more and more faster
Where can i find a place to do sex
4 stars good