This is an amazing creator space that has housed so much creativity over the years. I hope there are more places like this all around the world
What amazing art and culture brought to you by some outstanding people. Support this gallery!
Ecclectic and unique community oriented gallery offering art courses taught by local artists.
Go there, see local art, buy some, support pdx artists!
First Friday of the month openings and great folks. Well worth stopping in 2-6 Fri-Sun if you miss the opening. Always a different theme to the show so its fresh every time. The live music for openings is always great.
The feel of the building
In a city thats pushing its artists away, this is one of the last cool galleries still somehow surviving and thriving. Art For the Rest of Us! Monthly exhibits with opening receptions 6pm to midnight every First Friday.
Really cool punky art gallery with openings and live music on first Fridays
Love the people and art! Great to hangout and dance on first Fridays.
Quirky and fun to in your face ART i keep going back to see whats next. Oh, and to support local.
ByteMe best electronic art. Once a year