Good park for families. Everyone is so Friendly.
Never received a refund for the spring season that was cancelled due to the pandemic. They said they spent the funds on filling the snack bar and insurance for the season and that they would be in contact regarding refunds. I have emailed 3 times with no response. I registered 2 children costing $195. Wish I could give zero stars. If I would have seen all of the negative reviews before I registered my kids, I would never have done so.
We left another little league a year ago and signed our son up for Manzanita Ball Club last fall. Were so happy we made the switch!! The majority of the coaches and umpires are great. The coaches take the time to actually COACH the players and teach them the fundamentals of the game. The parents are supportive and the owners/board members truly care about the players, and their instruction. We couldnt be happier with Manzanita Ball Club, and were happy we found a baseball home here.
My nephews attend this ball club and they absolutely love it! Majority of the coaches are amazing! Most of the parents are well behaved. The board cares about the kids enjoying themselves and having fun. There were a few disruptive coaches (poor sports) and parents that could not follow directions (drinking alcohol when it is prohibited) and the board got rid of them for the sake of the other players and families in order to continue the positive environment! I would definitely recommend coming here!
Great experience here now for 3-4 years. Family atmosphere with good staff. Curt and Randee are excellent hosts that put in a lot of hard work season after season. Thanks again for all the fun times.
I played softball here as a kid and now my boys play baseball there and we are volunteer coaches! Its a great place for kids to learn the game and learn how to be part of a team. The staff is friendly and informative. Overall, Manzanita Ball Club is a great organization!
This is a sad ball club to sign your children up to play with. I was coach the second season for pee wee girl softball and it was the worst experience ever. The people who run are liars and make it sound like it’s good but it is horrible. I have reviewed them on yelp so if you want the entire story about how they suck you can read it there. But as for a club that has issues like this one they are why over priced and will never change because they don’t know how to run a business. I have had several parents from my team as well as other teams try and talk to Randee and Curt who run in and they don’t listen or even do anything because they are all about the jerk Randee brother that doesn’t know a thing about softball who coaches another team that makes all rules to benefit his team and his coaching. Because as soon as the had someone on the field to start making calls my team wasn’t beat to death 11- 2 the scores were a lot closer and my team actually won. Big change when he wasn’t making the calls. So in short if you want to pay way to much money and be treated like dirt then this ball club is for you. If not I would recommend AGS, Diamond girls, or even city ball before here.Thanks
Clueless umpires & staff who conveniently seem to forget rules, gear is in super bad condition AND on top of that, horrible management who does not care about anything but profit. There’s really nothing good about this league. Save your money & take your kid somewhere worthy.
If you are looking for people who belittle your children, change rules to benefit the team ran by family, treat your children as if they don’t matter, or merely enjoy wasting your money then this is the place for you!! In my 21years of softball experience I have never seen as much drama and hatefulness come from a “business” such as this. But the owners said it best when they said,”we aren’t baseball people, we are business people.” Explains why the snack bar is their main focus. Rules change every single game, but don’t ask the owners which rule is right because they don’t know and will literally tell you that. But enjoy the perks of signing up by maintaining their fields, cleaning their bathrooms, and allowing your children to play in cat pee gear, because even though they apologized about the cat pee, they still had the audacity to hand it to me. Great times.
Worst ball club ever. My kids have played at Glendale and I coached at AGS. I have never met owners that could care less about their business. Kurt and Randee Abel flat out told me they are business owners not ball players. This is why they know nothing about softball or baseball. You pay $90 for your child to play but be ready for the equipment that you get because these business owners did not care one bit that it was full of cat pee. They are too cheap to have umpires which only allows family members of the owners to cheat and get away with it. These family members, one in particular a man, can also cuss me out, a woman, right in front of Randee Abel and get away with it. This same man, Steve, made three of the girls on my team cry and that was okay too. Several parents from all three teams complained about this coach and nothing was said...why because family wins... pathetic. Once the owners realized things were only getting worse they had coaches from other teams come out to umpire the games. As soon as the umpires started all of a sudden the family team was not winning. As a matter of fact they lost the tournament and then didnt even show up to trophy night to support their girls. Just look at the photos on their website you will see the girls that are all alone but its okay because family wins. So if you want to be a part of a club that knows nothing about the rules or game, will ask you to clean their bathrooms, set a day for you to manicure their fields, play with a pitching machine that has an extension cord going across the field, owners that can be found smoking on the sidewalk or behind the shed by the snack bar, receive equipment that is full of animal urine then this is the club for you. I coached two seasons here and this place is a joke.
My son plays ball there. It could be better but we have fun. Thats all that really matters
This league is very very unprofessional they changes the rules as they go every games rules apply one game next game the same rule change to benefit the other team they have there favorite. The field is not ever a baseball field its a patch of grass. They are more interested in there snack bar. I would not not recommend any kids to this league very unprofessional from the leader down to there umpires. The two lady you can find them smoking on the other side by the park so sad by the kids. So unfear they sure have they favorites please stay far far away from this league
Its our first year with Manzanita and we love it. This place is ran by all volunteers, they are awesome, friendly and down to earth.
Very unprofessional staff. My wife was approached my Jessica the snack bar lady about her google review. This woman tried to put my wife down but my wife stayed classy and walked away from the drama. This just shows that her review is accurate. Bullies.
They dont even deserve 1stae they are so unprofessional they change the rules to benefit the favorite cause they do have favorites I do not recommend and parents to this league there umpire are ex coaches and dont even know the rules. O and dont give bad review cause they are so unappreciated the ladies who you can always find somking in front of the kids by the park will confront you so called CEO. This league is a big big joke do not want your time there.
This was my 2nd time here, to watch my girlfriend grandson play. Time ran out ! Umpire called it, but the other coach started to complain knowing he knew the rules cause he been there for years coaching and couldnt let it go.Manzanita Rules, state = it goes to the last inning! No! Tie.. The way the board members handle it was rude and unprofessional in my eyes.. This plays is unsafe and need more umpires so this wouldnt happen. . Sponsors should pull their donations.. .
Love coaching here. Son has played 5 seasons here now and this will be my daughters first here. Great volunteers running this league.**Update... Im still coaching here, volunteers here are still great, and I want to quickly address the surge of recent bad reviews. For the quick viewer Id like to point out the influx of comments and the timing of them.. The majority of the bad reviews are from disgruntled parents because their teams either didnt win, or from parents and coaches who literally got tossed or had the cops called on them for fighting on the field... Yah that actually happened.. More than once too mind you, and on more than one team in the playoffs.. Cops literally took a dozen parents to jail, and many of which were under the influence...So before you read on about how bad this league and its volunteers are Id like you to be aware that this particular area of Phoenix is not by any means a high income area, and there are a lot of inner city types; referring to the parents no the children.If you dont know what kind of challenges a league like this struggles with just being in the area its in than you really shouldnt comment.Takes a special type of person(s) to see that and still try and make this league not just a success, but just be able to run season to season.Take the negative reviews with a grain of salt.
This league is not in this business for the kids. It’s a business, and a poorly run one at that. They don’t play by the rules, favor certain coaches, and allow coaches to yell at each other in front of the kids. Instead of de-escalating a situation between coaches the director made it worse and the coaches got physical in front of the girls. After repeated emails with no response after a week I had to go look for the director to address my concerns. All of my concerns were then shared with the person I had concerns about because they are related. This is not an environment that I would want any child to have to be subjected to. With so many options out there for sports, this isn’t one we will ever choose again.
Great family place nephew and nieces always have baseball/softball games here
It’s amazing how many of the “reviews” are from whiney parents that were kicked out for their own behavior! Drinking on school campus all season, threatening people, calling people names, and not letting the coaches, umpires and board members figure out the problem. Maybe if ADULTS could behave the board wouldn’t have to babysit the fields. Every season parents forget they are adults and act like children.This club does not make teams fundraise and keeps cost down for enrollment fees, as well as letting coaches focus on coaching. That part is always forgotten when people come to the snack bar. The board members volunteer their time to help run this club. They miss their children’s games to ensure that the snack bar is always open and running.
We have been with this ball club for 4 years now, and I can honestly say that the organization is terrific.
No stars are deserved here! Rules werent applied properly. Seemed like rules were made up as the game went on. Disrespectful staff. Yelling & threatening to call the police. Not a good ballmark to take your kids to!
Horrible place. Stay away. Unsafe and just a rip off. The good reviews are probably from people who are allowed to play for free because anyone that knows anything about youth sports knows this place is awful.
Nice weather to sit back,watch & enjoy the participate in the famws & activities.Plates of food were good & reasonable.Enjoyed spending time with sister & her family.
Very unsafe. They list as a non-profit. The gear is old and broken all the fields have holes and tripping hazards, field 1 has a concrete slab for a pitchers mound that sticks up above ground. The lights are horrible the outfielders can not see the ball. This place brings in a large amount of money and they have AZ Dbacks sponsorship but the upkeep and safety for kids is very poor.
This club and its board members are not allowing our kids to receive their trophies that they have worked hard for. This is so sad. All the drama that has occurred is because they pick and choose when to do their job. If they focused more on the league than they do the snack bar there wouldnt be so much drama. Do your dam job and put these so called presidents and board members to work and be at each field making sure theres order instead of scratching each others behind gossiping in the snack bar. This club has banned one team and not the other. Both teams should be banned but because phillip and herman kiss kurt and randee but they will be at trophy night with no shame knowing that children who earned it wont be there. Shame on all of you. You know who you are.
I would give them NO STARS if I could. They don’t play by the rules, favor certain coaches and umpires have preference over certain teams. In one occasion shortly after the game was over, they told us all to leave and threatened to lock the doors and make us walk the long way. So unprofessional! Such a bad League and UNFAIR, I wouldn’t recommend.
One star for this organization is being generous. Its a no brainer that if your gonna organize a chilrens game the safety of the children and the families come first before profit. This year and the prior year have the worst by far. Theres been drinking, cursing, fighting, even the club president carries a gun at his waist. The 2 so called presidents can be found smoking at the entrance from open to close all in front of these children and their families. At this club if your not in the right circle of people good luck to you. If you have a concern or theres a problem good luck finding Randee or Kurt to address it or to even care. The volunteer coaches make more of a difference and care more for the kids and their families than the 2 who should be running this league. The board members think its ok to approach parents and threaten them because they didnt like bad 1 star reviews. a Definitely keep your kids away from this circus of a league. After always giving them the bennefit of the doubt I will not be ruturning after these 4 years of hell.
Great leadership and organization! Our 6 year old has been playing here for 2 seasons now and loves when its softball time. The fields are well taken care of and you can tell a lot of time has been invested. We didnt expect such attention to detail from people who do this purely on volunteer basis but when it comes to Manzanita Ball Club the kids are really who matter here!
I love this place! All the best of club ball, none of the travel ball expense. Where everyone is a big happy family!
Brother and sister played there when they were younger. Been visiting the ball park for 17 years. Have a lot of history their. They always have it maintained and clean. Gotta love the snack stand and staff are awesome.
Umpires have preferences over certain teams, the field for the 9U division is never maintain, and the league management is more concern of selling at their store than to be present at the playoffs making sure the rules are being followed, worse league ever!
Fantastic ball club. Great staff, very fair. Love the snack bar. All in all very friendly and dedicated to the kids.
The ball park is an amazing source of fun, educating the children of baseball. The snack bar is adequate in prices with fantastic service from the staff especially the cashier! Dont forget to tip him!
Not sure who did a review under my name. But let me tell you.My daughter HAILEY DANIELSON BOWDEN. started playing in 1st grade and loved it, her second year I helped coached and loved working with the girls, most all eager to learn, having fun, see their friends, watching the excitement on their face when they hit the ball and ran with all there mit. LolBut Let me say tho some adults (PARENTS) didnt play nice, but isnt that life.Long story short Hailey has played ball here 2xs a year,I love coaching, and Hailey became my super star. Her yayia and I enjoyed watching those little girls who worked so hard and all so became super stars,Must say my favorite years was with coach Albert, Dodgerettes. Girls always did best when they went out and had fun. Lots of good times. Did i say Hailey has played there for 7 years. Manzanita ball club has come a long ways. Its ran by good people. So bring your kids here its fun. Their will always be a few parent that need to learn to chear all the kids on. The Bowden family give this place 5 stars..
Not a good league, umpire didnt know the leagues rules, ended up calling management on the phone, they came and didnt handled the situation correctly, it was a mess, making parents and coaches more upset.
Never goes by the rules! Changes rules each game!
VERY TERRIBLE LEAGUE, the owners are never around the games. Change rules every game!!!
Love seeing family enjoying themself and seeing all the happy little faces..
Bad umpires who favor certain teams. Totally unfair to the kids who play thier heart out.
Great people. Very good place to learn the game and teamwork.
The people that run this organization are not fair, nor honest.The minor boys playing field (# 1) is a powdery nightmare, with horrible lighting.There are many spots on the infield that literally become clouds of dust when the ball lands there.Seriously, that powder posing as an infield needs to be tested for toxicity. One of my sons and several other Tigers players had respiratory difficultieson windy days. The lighting is so antiquated and inappropriately located that it poses a very likely injury to an innocent child.In early 2016 we paid $175.00 to MBC to enroll our two sons in their Minor Boys Division (Ages 10-12). We attended the tryout/evaluation day (Friday) and were told to wait for the teams to be determined and the coach to welcome our sons on the team. We waited for about an hour and no one came.Our sons then went to Sylvia (president of MBC) and were told theyre assigned to the Tigers .When we left we didnt know who was coach or when the first practice was to be held. On, Monday morning (after we were not contacted over the weekend), we contacted MBC and were informed that our boys are on the Tigers, but the team has no coach.They had taken our money under false pretenses. They had no one to coach our sons.They asked us to coach the team.The family that just forked over $175.00 and wanted nothing to do with coaching a youth baseball team, had somehow been hoodwinked into the job.The team we agreed to coach, the Tigers, was hand selected by one of the many coaches of the soon to become league champion, Mariners. Sound fair and honest to you???Not one of the many Mariners coaches would take the task of leading the Tigers. In a division for boys aged 10-12, the Tigers line-up sported (5) nine year olds.There were only seven nine year olds in the entire division. That same spring, the minor boys division allowed 8 thirteen year olds to participate.Not one was selected to play for the Tigers.Needless to say, the Tigers were no match for the Mariners or any of the good teams in the division ( 6 total), for that matter.The Mariners were undefeated in the regular season. The worst team, Cobra Kai, 0-15. Sound like parity to you? The coach of the Bees (2nd place in the division) became the coach of Cobra Kai after the original coach allegedly quit. Sounds like a conflict of interest if there ever was one, right?The snack bar ice machine is infested with flies. The first time we used their ice and cooler to hydrate the team was also the last.When we went to empty the cooler before returning it to MBC we became disgusted at the sight of many frozen flies. We paid to bring clean fresh water to every practice and game, thereafter.After every game all players can get a complementary fountain drink or sno-cone. After becoming ill from consuming the free sno-cone, we never let our sons participate in the after game refreshments and they never became ill again.We signed our sons up for the fall (2016) league. I know, crazy, right?Manzanita Ball Club once again took our money under false pretenses and once againdid not provide a coach for the Tigers. They asked us to coach the team again. We agreed.After just a few hours of practice and one game, umpired by the opposing coach, we were informed by Randi, via a phone call, MBC no longer wants us to be affiliated with the league.We were shocked that after all the money we paid and all the hours we spent volunteering they dumped us like we are a bad smoking habit.Speaking of smoking habits, some affiliated with MBC have a nasty smoking habit and proudly flaunt it in front of young impressionable children.They are unaware that a chain-linked fence will not prevent second hand smoke from permeating the air in the player bench area, nor the very infield itself.I cant tell you how many times I gagged from breathing the tainted air so graciously provided by the smoking leaders of MBC.We paid $120.00 for fall league registration, they only refunded half.Let the parents beware, Manzanita Ball Club is bad news and bad for the childrens health.
Very dedicated parents and well raised children.
Horrible! Owners and staff are very inappropriate!
Great place to cut some rug
Great place for kids to play ball
Good game!!
Baseball,and snacks
Fair food unfair teams
Very good
Good times
Youth baseball and softball club.
Great place for kids
Very nice place
Love it!
Great Friendly atsmophere
Where kids come to play.
Great family ballclub!