I think u guys r amazing and I used to be a former addict to oxycodone!!! Im So glad there r still people who care for the regard of human life and the importance of getting the word out to other addicts its because of people such as u guys that really do the world some good
Just watched your videos on youtube. Thank you for showing the truth. I have friends that are lost in Kensington. I live in Northern Cali now, and a lot of their towns are infiltrated. Whole generations are being taken over. From other comments I see you also help the community in other outside positive ways. Thank you & Keep up the good work and the fight!
Amazing place and amazing people. Very humble and smart. Deeply rooted in the improvment of their community and educating tomorrows youth. I have been to many of their showcases which always included a variety of acts from rap to gospel music. They have done everything from live outdoor shows, music videos, food drives for families in need and a hip talk show that brings topics of the day to the forefront. Cant wait to see what they do next.
The Best Ever.