My son has played at Shoreline for 3 years now and he has had a wonderful experience there. As well as the fantastic player and team development, the club has a really good family feel to it, and the coaches are great mentors and role models both on and off the pitch. We have been involved with other soccer clubs before but in our opinion Shoreline FC is by far the best around!
Shoreline is an excellent place to bring your son or daughter if they love football!! The commitment to each childs development on and off the field is unparalleled. The club has created an inclusive atmosphere where you truly feel like part of the family!!! We look forward to many more years of growth on and off the field for my boys, and to making friends and memories to last a lifetime!!!
Bad club... don’t put your son or daughter here. Bad coaches, terrible refs. Don’t teach the kids sportsmanship.
We think the world of Danny Simpson club and training. Great coaches. My kids are learning a lot and training hard.
Before the season began and prior to making the $2500 payment, we asked who the coach would be for the upcoming year. We were concerned that the level of coaching this year would be no better, or even worse possibly than the previous years coach. Even though they could not tell us, we made our payment. Our son played fall season. The coach for U14 was absolutely horrible! The kids showed him ZERO respect and my child did not learn a single thing from him. Practices,were like a recess! This is not why we had my son play on a Premier team (what was supposed to be a Premier team), or not what we paid for. At the end of fall portion (fees cover fall thru Spring) we found an excellent coach in Meriden and,made the decision to move our son. Even though there is NO procedure outlined anywhere regarding refunds, Shoreline fc refused to refund half of our $2500. This is unprofessional and wrong. They are thieves! To not supply appropriate coaches for the level, not to disclose coaches prior to payment, and to then not refund is dishonest and misleading! I will NEVER have anything good to say about the coaching at Shoreline fc Madison, CT. If you want to charge for players to be coached by your business at least be honest up front and hire qualified coaches. Any parents thinking about it, DONT put your child on their teams! Parents may be Call me personally if you would like discuss further. Margo Montgomery, Madison CT