HORRIBLE PEOPLE. STAY AWAY. THEY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOUR CHILD. I am only giving 1 Star because 0 Stars wasnt an option. I called to inquire about signing up my son for Travel League Baseball. They told me to bring him in for a skills evaluation/tryout. He participated in the skills assessment/tryout and WALT told me he would call me within a few days to give us the results and to discuss next steps. No problem. THEY NEVER CALLED BACK. I called countless times to speak to WALT. I left messages on their voice mail and with the receptionist or whomever answered the phone. They always told me that WALT was giving a lesson and that he would call me back later, he has my number,... My son would ask me every day for feedback. We heard NOTHING. This went on for weeks before I finally gave up trying. .If they had told us that my son wasnt good enough to make the team, that would have been fine! That is life. BUT, at least have the courtesy and professionalism to follow up! JERKS. They dont even have the basic, human decency to make a 1 minute phone call. If they couldnt do that, I cant fathom what it must be like to coordinate activities with them during a season! STAY AWAY.
Had a great experience!