The mission of the Safe Harbors of the Hudson is transforming community through housing and the arts...and that it does! The Lobby at the Ritz Theater has programming that runs the gamut from live community and actors equity theater and circus arts programs, world class music, the much loved cupcake palooza competition, and, most recently, an impressive literary festival. The Ritz always participates in something special for the annual Newburgh Illuminated Festival, and is part of a larger, rapidly-expanding community focused entertainment hub. In the SH Green outdoor park, theres Salsa under the Stars, live Outdoor Jazz, and more are all FREE and open to all!
Great live music, salsa all night. Great people. Awesome DJ. Definitely will visit again.
Had the great privilege and honor of playing at this theater a lot of history is contained within the building
What a monumental and worthwhile effort here in Newburgh!!! We had a fabulous time at the Safe Harbors Lobby, absolutely digging the music of the Menza Madison Band and Bruce Katz and his amazing band...oh yes, and the shakin Mr. Corey Glover, who brought it all round full circle at evenings end. Great!!!!!
My mother lives there and I know she is safe.xo
Historical site nice place to watch a show
When Newburgh was great
Caught a show
Clean, staff is friendly.
Not friendly or considerate.