Beautiful artwork, but the actual wall was locked down so I only got to take pictures thur the fence.
Just walking by, my son is a big painter.Worth a look, downtown is vibrate.Despite the gentrification.
Beautiful art. Worth a visit if you are in East Harlem
Awesome artwork! They change it every so often!
Graffiti Hall of Fame is a historic place for graffiti afficionados, where some of the best painters from New York came and did their art. They still do, but there are fewer walls now. Also, as this is a schoolyard and part of a school, it is locked and not accesible for the general public most of the time. Grafffiti hall of Fame used to be a reason to go to New York, but less so now.
Lives up to its name. Wished there was more wall to extend the creativity of these artists.
The quality of work, the customer service, and location place Waynes garage above all other car service providers.
Broiled King Crab is amazing. Shrimp scampi is delicious.
Finally got to see this...a must if you appreciate graffiti, art and the cultural in general.
Just one piece that says Harlem where each letter is by a different artist. There are a few more pieces but the are in the courtyard of a kids school so you cannot see them up close. Overall not worth the trek uptown but if you are in the area I would check it out
They make it sound like its a museum. Its just one graffiti painting on a wall. That you can see driving by. There is more on a lower level, but its a school yard. I dont even think its open for the public.. Not sure though.
Educational experience
There was graffiti everywhere. It was like someone set people loose with hundreds of cans of spray paint and looked the other way. The artistry was amazing.
Beautiful painting
I went to the school there and it isn’t open to the public so you can’t see the inside if you aren’t a student unless you take pics through the fence, the only thing you can see is the wall outside which is nice but definitely not something to travel it’s literally just a wall with graffiti... that’s it
Colorful mural to take photos, tourist often hang around it!
It’s basically just one painting and it isn’t even that special. Definitely not worth a trip.
Looking to establish a place where up and coming graffiti artists could hone their craft in a safe space, Harlem community leader Ray “Sting Ray” Rodriguez dubbed the concrete walls of the Jackie Robinson Educational Complex’s schoolyard to be the Graffiti Hall of Fame, and it has been attracting some of the best street artists in the world for more than 30 years.
30+ Years ! I remember when StingRay Rodriguez had this yard commissioned
Its a school that was locked so we couldnt see the inside of the wall... The outside was nice but not what we expected..
Colorful, beautiful art
Seeking the truest expression of New York city based art???? Search no further
All of the art there is cool and colorful and I learned a lot about graffiti.
GHOFOk first off, this is a historical site from which graffiti and mural art evolved from the underworld of subway art to the emergence of the art form above ground and onto walls. It is also the place where letter style evolution took place when graffiti was entirely outlaw in NYC, and any other city you could imagine. GHOF has been a evolving larger than life sized gallery that has been apart of NYC graffiti art culture for 40 years. GHOF has been in existence since 1981. So there is a respect that needs to given and a homage to at least be acknowledged. It is a beacon for the artform to flourish desipe all its adversity to be crushed. Its not just some stop on a street art tour for out of towners and tourist. Not merely there for photographers looking to put some cool stuff in their portfolios. It Street art is now so commonly placed people forget its history. This place has a storied history of graffiti, hip-hop and east harlem street culture. Vandals, Rebels, Outlaws, Artist came here and left artistic gems over generations at great risk. Graffiti writers from around the world acknowledge and recognize this place as the Mecca of the artform.If your just looking for cool pictures for your Instagram page this might not be the best location for you. Unless you come to the annual mural painting event last wknd in Aug every summer, your wont fully get the vibe. However if your a true art historian, a seeker of knowledge then this place is a sacred ground. Understanding that history is being re-written by web bloggers, and internet trolls but at least do your googles before you rate this place and sound arrogantly dumb AF.
There is virtually nothing here that you can photograph except for the HARLEM mural on the outside of this schoolyard. If you want to look at a small amount of graffiti through a chain link fence and trees, this might make you happy. Not at all impressed. If you want to see some decent graff, head to Bushwick in Brooklyn.
Bad place
I loved it. The vibes was so good
Kool place to visit if not from NY
It was beautiful and there was inspiring art works
Its an actual school so dont go on a weekday. School is in session.
The most iconic spot to do Your masterpiece in Graffiti
I grew up here! Ive seen all the kings of fame here, from 1980 til i moved in 1999. Love it! Should be a landmark!!!
Recommended for all urban art lovers!
Great place to reminisce if youre a hip-hop enthusiast from the 80s.
A beautiful piece of Spanish Harlem history
Im an old school writer MERCAnd i see some great talent and skills, visit the graffiti bench on 149th st. 2 and 5 train line
Its nothing much, dun waste your time walking there
This is not something worth the word attraction. This is a 5-6m wall woth some grafitti. Not even great grafitti. If you are in the area you can pass by but that is all dont go there for the purpose of seeing that.
Small, not worth your time as a foreigner. Good though for the city of Harlem
It shows the talent of these artist
Very colorful HipHop artwork.
Such beautiful art and it speaks about the culture!
The graf is great but it’s in a locked schoolyard. We went there hoping to take some photos and video shots but we’re quickly kicked out due to it being a school day. When we went back after school hours the gates were locked. Not sure why this is listed as something to see.
Love the art best in nyc
I been going to the Graffiti Hall of Fame for about 3 years in a row. Its free to go and you can walk up to the artists and ask them to sign your black book. Many people would also come up to you so you can do a quick piece in there black book . Very fun to watch all of them make a master piece in about two days.
I grow up in the neighborhood . Beautiful place. Should visit you here.
Back in da days we talking from 1987-1993 The Hall of Fame was a place just like 5points of queens, but the only thing that was in Spanish Harlem(Puertorican Territory). The school yard used to belong to a JHS back then. Well I used to go bombing until 1992 I thru a burn up. Piece to my old skool friends. Jover, Acer, Aver, and others from SASHER
Awesome art and a great cultural real New York experience in Spanish Harlem
Wonderful street art.
I wok here on
Its inside an elementary school playground. Great art that changes regularly, can see from Street level.
Wonderful art very educational!
Check it out!! Respect the art you know who you are!! Enjoy the space!!
History and creativity at its best
Its not the same anymore. They fixed the playground, which is good for the kids but they fixed it in a way to almost thwart any other future Graffiti Hall of Fame anniversaries. This is the original Graffiti Hall of Fame in NYC that gave birth to all other graffiti Hall of Fames everywhere else in the world. I guess theres people out there that dont understand our culture and are quick to dismiss our art as vandalism. Its great that the kids have a nice playground to play in, but the schoolyard renovations they made took away the original spirit and life from the original Graffiti Hall of Fame. Its a school first and foremost that became Graffiti Hall of Fame, but l dont feel that anymore.
This place is called the Graffiti Hall of Fame for a reason. All of the original well known graffiti artists have maintained this place over the years. They come together at least 3 times a year to redo the walls with some epic artistry. The original whos who from the Bronx world of graffiti are all participants in the events. Dont let nay sayers and those who know nothing of hip hop culture steer you wrong. This is a historical spot in East Harlem dedicated to the birth of Graffiti and Hip Hop. Hopefully gentrification and big condos going up wont destroy the authenticity of the place. The playground is cute and it is part of a school which I think helps the kids connect to the culture and inspire them.
Excellent picture spot
Awesome place
Awesome historical site
Love my barrio
Dope tats crew spot
I live over here love it big up the God father kool herc
Another legendary landmark
The graffiti is nice. However you really cant access it when the school is open because it is part of their playground
It’s not anything like how 5points was. It’s actually pretty pathetic. Cannot be called a hall of fame at all.
Not that good, there is only one accesible grafitti the rest are inside the school
Very nice art
Art is always interesting
Only people that go to a place like this are people who are not famous. These people call themselves kings; it is a good place to see what it would be like to paint next to some legends. Check out Tracey168WildStyles
Best place in the world
This is a joke. It is a school yard that when we visited was locked and has a few walls painted. Not worth your time.
Nice awesome art
Its the birth place, the mecca of graffiti, New York.
All your favorites
Nice artwork
Graffiti is now an art form in New York.#Graffiti
We consider this the Met of our neighborhood.
Great talent great Artist great friends
Was in Montréal, and Rome, which are covered with amazing graffiti in almost every street corner and alley. This, in comparison, is very underwhelming to say the least.
Art on someones wall
Very cultural and enlightening
Its not actually a park, its the walls that surrounds a school, that has a playground. Theres no bathroom or parking lots.
Cool space.
Its no 5 pointz but there are some nice pieces here and there. Cute how it is all sanctioned etc.
Kinda disappointed. Smaller than I thought
The walls of graffiti are enclosed in a school playground. Beware, while school is in session (Mon - Fri) you cant not take pictures. You will risking arrest and prosecution if you do. School year open on weekends for visitors
Great Artwork!
Nice artwork