Gold vault tour is worth it. Remember Make a reservation first. It’s like an education center. Taught you the history of Federal reserve, how and where the money made. Money distribution system. The most attractive place is not like what you expected. Not that shiny and bling bling like a movie show. It’s worth to learn more about it. Free reservation
This is the New York office of the Federal Reserve Bank. They have extensive out reach programs to explain what this government agency does.These activities include a display about what the Fed does. One of the things they do is hold the gold assets of various governments. A tour of their display on their various activities and a tour of the vaults where they hold the gold is available.People have to sign up well in advance - several months at least- for this tour. The tours are a lot of fun, especially the gold vault part is a lot of fun. Its free.
This place is a must visit! And best yet its free! But you need to book it in advance!Tours are available to book exactly 4 weeks in advance, released 9am EST, they sell out quickly, within the hour usually, so plan ahead.Turn 30-45 min or so before your allotted time so you can go around the museum (although you can do that afterwards), the tour takes an hour, first half around the museum, then down to the vault to see all the gold.Also the tour guide I had was really great.
The privately owned Federal Reserve definitely caused The Great Depression by contracting the amount of currency in circulation by one third from 1929 to 1933. The Federal Reserve System is accountable to no one; it has no budget; it is subject to no audit; and no Congressional committee knows of, or can truly supervise, its operations. The Federal Reserve, virtually in total control of the nations vital monetary system, is accountable to nobody—and this strange situation, if acknowledged at all, is invariably trumpeted as a virtue.
Perfect place to learn something about monetary policy, history of US money system, and see the gold in the lower levels. Also we had a really nice tour with our guide.
My recruiter was great!! He was very knowledgeable and confident. He was patient with me and answered all my questions and concerns.
Great source for Information regarding Federal Accounts... Federal Reserve is being requested to inquire into the theft of millions in Federal Treasury Bonds Federal Notes. The duplication & altering of notes. Starting in Shelby Cleveland County NC. Law enforcement & FBI Charlotte NC were notified of theft of notes Federal Trust records documents & equipment by Federal Employee held hostage in 1414 Lynhurst Dr Gastonia NC home in 2014 until his memory was removed.Reserve SEC & FBI notified of the 2013 multi billion dollar Trust and Inheritance received by Towery Tyree Maurice Burris in Cleveland County NC linked to Federal Reserve accounts in NY.
I found this really enjoyable, the gold vault was what we wanted to see but being honest the information about the fed reserve bank given beforehand was way more interesting. Our tour guide was Anna and she did a great job responding to everybodys questions.
Nice Building at least from the outside ; never been inside;
Got a tour for the day after I checked for it which was great. Getting a tour for the summer was not so easy. Nice place, great history, and they give you a little gift of shredded cash at the end! Nice touch. No photos are allowed inside, there is cameras everywhere. They say if you pull out your phone, the security will come in seconds! I didn’t test it personally. Not too much of a museum but it’s a short little piece of history. Tours are not translated in other languages. It seems to be only the tour guide who spoke in English for travelers.
Very nice tour. Even my 5yo daughter enjoyed it.
The entrance doors have Employee Only signage so let the security officer on the sidewalk know you are there for the tour, and after an ID check, you are radioed in for clearance to enter and go through airport-type security check. Very easy. I was hoping to hear more about monetary policy but the tour is focused more on visiting the very impressive vault of gold. Still very welcoming, informative, and def worth my time for my 10th visit to NYC. You can tour the museum part while you wait for the tour to start and stay as long as you want after the tour to see it all. Restrooms in the back of it. I appreciated the 3 complimentary graphic novels available which explains the system to a younger audience. Tickets are so hard to come by so if you sign up, pls attend. Our group was def less than 25.
I originally came here as a consolation prize for not being able to get into the stock exchange and wasnt expecting much. Boy, was I surprised! The museum tour is excellent and gives a good overview of the history of the building and the purpose the Fed serves. Next they take you underground into the vault to gawk at massive piles of gold bars which is worth the trip alone. Lastly they gave us little bags of shredded money as souvenirs. What a trip!The tours pretty short but youre free to wander around after. Its also free but there is a very limited number of spots available so make sure to plan ahead. If youre in the area Id definitely recommend checking it out
Interesting building with a fortress like look including barred windows. Only appropriate as eighty ft below street level is more gold than in Fort Knox. The Federal Reserve does offer tours but I ve never been. THIS IS THE BUILDING THAT THE BAD GUYS ROB IN DIE HARD 3. THE ONE WITH SAMUEL L JACKSON AND JEREMY IRONS
Both amazing from the outside and the inside. From the outside this was built like a medieval fortress, not surprisingly as there is a lot gold inside. So its architecture is striking as it is surrounded by modern buildings. But you can also take a tour to visit the inside. And you can see some of the gold reserves within the vaults, amazing!
Power. History. Sharp intellects and stabilizing economic force. Whats not to like?
Thank you Jerome, keep making the stonks go up!
This bank steals your prosperity. It is creating currency out of thin air. Out of nothing. It has private owners. They wont tell you about that they control the economy. They are greedy and crisises are their fault. They make inflation due to creating currency, not money. They dont like gold because they cant print it.
Hard to get tickets, but once there you can see the vault and a few other interesting things and learn a lot from the knowledgeable guide.
It was a trip to tour the bank of bank and learning about how keep a good credit score
Great walk around Wall Street and First White House building.
If you have a couple of hours to spare this place is well worth a visit. You can only book 30 days in advance - and the places go strait away as only about 15 people per tour. First part of the tour is ok - very informative about how the bank was formed etc etc. The second part was amazing - as you were taken down into the vaults to see the gold bullion.... amazing. Not allowed to take photos so you will have to go and see yourself to experience it. Do it!!
Federal Reserve is closed due to covid-19
Good bank
Nice place The architectural part of the building its amazing that historical part of it overwhelming great place. They show you how they destroy money and the gold is just a beautiful pictorial be had. No pictures also a great a memory to have. Wheres my gold hahahahahahahahaha
There is a scam concerning this Bank
Must see gold vault of Federal Reserve Bank of America, Polite and very humble tour guide all absolutely free.
... definitely a prefered place to keep your gold bars.
Free tour is worth going to if you are in the city - you get a small bag of shredded cash at the end too! I think the tour could have been a little more informative though, particularly with juicy stories from the 2008-09 crisis. Which secret entrance did all the bank executives take to avoid the media during the Lehman weekend? How about the story when AIG walked over tens of billions of bonds as collateral to the NY Fed? Details!
Its all about the mucho confedia
One of 12 in the United States, and this one you can visit. The rise and fall of interest rates in America are determined by this private institution. Great place to visit.
I interviewed for a position at this iconic bank. Wonderful setting, nice people. Thank you for the interview.
Its an interesting place. Worth a visit at least once.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is an interesting place to visit, and the guided tour is very informative about a variety of topics. The tour guide was very friendly to the entire class, and was able to answer any questions we had. The tour was interactive enough, and I was able to gain a better understanding of the Federal Reserves job and impact on the economy of the country. I was not aware before that the Federal Reserve was in charge of the seperation and destruction of old and unusable bills. The vault, however, was very underwelming, at least when compared to the rest of the tour. Though it was an interesting experience to be in the same room with and see so much real gold, there was so little time spent talking about the why and how of the gold that I left feeling a little dissapointed.To summarize, the Federal Reserve is a great trip for schools and for anyone interested in the economy, but i would have liked to know more about the gold itself. The tour guide didnt spend any time explaining why we use gold to store wealth instead of some other form of currency, or how the bars are made. It would have been interesting to learn more about that instead of simply spending a few minutes explaining how heavy gold is and how they weigh it. It also would have been nice if the tour guide had spent a little more time talking about the gothic architecture. She did explain that some of the archways were meant to symbolize strength, but I feel there could have been more time spent on the designs and why they were important.TL;DRThe Federal Reserve is a very informative trip that teaches about the history of our economy, and could be a great trip for anyone interested in economics.
Interesting place to visit. You get a feel of how the Fed works. People are kind, helpful and competent
Great free tour. Got to see where the gold is kept.
Because all new machines with new technology.
Very intriguing place!
13 bp 601 abidjan 13
Hello, I am from California, I need help can someone explain me its this a really a Bank or not.
I had a good experience at the federal reserve that included a learning experience as well as good hospitality. The tour guide was really nice and knew the answer to every question that someone asked her. It was fun to learn about the federal reserve, but to be honest there wasnt much to do after we went down to the gold storage. On the tour they should have more then just quotes on a tv screen. For example they could show a documentary on how the federal reserve was made and the process of what the federal reserve does. This would make the experience better instead of standing around looking at a poster with little pictures. Other then that it was a cool building to be in with the great architecture throughout the building.Some things I learned on the trip were that the Federal Reserve holds a quarter of the worlds gold. I found that interesting that countries would trust us with all that gold. I believe we should charge countries to hold their gold because we are doing them a service with little in return except for the title of having the biggest gold storage in the world. I also learned about money and the process it goes through. For example I didnt know the government shredded money to circulate in new money. This made me realize why old money is such a good collectors item because a lot of the old money gets replaced by the new ones. It was also cool how we learned about the stamps that each dollar has that shows where the bill came from. This isnt very important, but I found it very interesting.TBL: The Federal Reserve is a great place to visit for an educational experience and I recommend other schools to go here on a field trip.
History of USA. Great place
Very good tour! A good opportunity to getting to know some of the inner things and everyday tasks in a reserve bank and the business of money, securities and gold custody. They explain and take you to different places in the circuits of money. However, photos are not allowed here.
Beautiful and informative NYC history.
Very to see the gold bars
Historic landmark in lower Manhattan...a must see...
A little-known but fascinating attraction lies in the Financial District’s Federal Bank of New York: more than 6,500 tons of gold. The building dates back to the 1920s and much of the gold arrived after WWII. Anyone can sign up for a free tour of the gold vault on weekday afternoons.
Got the pleasure to tour inside and it was kool
WOW... fortified building with a lot gold! That’s what every New Yorker said!
Can I rate this negative one star?
The fed is a great place to come and visit to learn and explore about the money supply. This place is amazing field trip material for any class. Recently my class has gone on a field trip to the fed and we all enjoyed our time there. You can learn so many great and valuable thing about the countrys money supply.Our time there we learned about the foundation of banks and how the fed came to be. Its truly a very good experience for anyone wanting to know more about the countrys money supply. I advise anyone who is just eager to learn to go and visit the fed. It is honestly a really good place to go and learn.TLDR:The fed is a good place to have a class trip to Learn about and experience what a federal bank dealing with gold is like.
It was a filet of fish with rice and salad. I love that..
Make a reservation for the free tour. Its wonderful.
Where it all happens. Interesting.
I fall for this scam I send $600.00 and then they want me to send $900.00 more I told the lady I dont have that kind of money. She start telling me about other people. Now Im getting the run around to get my $600.00 back. And been calling them since Tuesday. I hope I get that money back so I dont have to involve lawyers
This was awesome! It was pretty tough to get tickets, but they arent impossible to get. if you do some recon beforehand and have a couple different days you can go, you will have a really cool time. You just have to plan about a month in advance for this!!
Lots of great gold. Dont try to touch it. Youll get in trouble.
Excelent place perfect for a school trip
The worst institution amongst modern society.
I wanted to work here
Ask yourself...1) Why do we have a ‘Federal Reserve System’?2) Why is ‘Federal’ in the name when it is NOT part of the US Gov’t?3) Why is it not subject to transparent audit?Most importantly:4) Why do ‘we’ (the American public) simply ignore & allow this?5) Why is it allowable to have no one in authority answer these questions?6) Why is it acceptable to immediately paint anyone who asks these questions as a ‘conspiracy theorist’, or ‘not a patriot’, or simply a ‘nut job’?That is an unfathomably giant amount of authority & power to allow in one body without ‘true’, ‘transparent’, ‘PUBLIC’ oversight.Is it not?
The school tours they give are very informative. I would suggest 4th grade and up based on the content. They answer any and all questions that the students (or parents) have. The visit to the vault isnt much to look forward to. You basically ride an elevator down to the vault level and they explain that you cant go into the vault because of security. Understandable. What country wants kids and parents walking around next to their gold?
Need to serve the people
Awesome place to visit.. People who work there are friendly
What a piece of modern history.
Summer of 1960 I worked as a runner [ie; messenger] for a Wall Street firm that specialized in trading US Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds. Every Monday the Fed held an auction of said securities, mostly 90 day T Bills. A small number of Primary Dealers (about 12) were allowed to submit bids. These dealers would talk to each other via telephone to get a sense of the Market The bids, on hand written cards, had to be in at a special Tellers Window on the first floor by 1:30 pm at which time the window was physically closed. The traders were I worked waited until the last minute to complete their bids and then handed them to me. An elevator was waiting to take me to the ground floor. I had to hit the street (Broad Street) running, from Exchange Place, past Wall, Pine, and Cedar Streets to Liberty Street were the Fed Building sits. I was almost hit by a taxi more than a few times on the way. A number of we runner would flop to the floor after delivering our bids {no benches} until the guards kicked us out, Great memories.As an aside, someone commented that the Fed is on 3rd Street. There is no 3rd Street in the Wall Street area.
Tour is great and its free
Better buy some Bitcoin.
The feds guarding this place aren’t super friendly
What an awesome place to learn about our history. The men with the rifles outside were a bit intimidating
Great historical story
Top notch staff
Its very difficult to get the stored tons of gold!Dont try it, the security precaution is too enormous..
If you are in a right path you will find the correct way if you are not than it will lead you to the scam. just be positive.
Dont show up expecting a tour without a reservation. Youll be shooed away by unfriendly armed guards.
Secured & unique.
This place is awesome. It stabilizes our countrys boom bust cycles. Ever since its creation, recessions and panics have occurred at a way less frequency and have been shorter lasting - dont listen to what the fringe crackpot Austrians tell you.
I got a call that I thought would help me and my family that I was going receive $9000 all I had to do was pay $250 but I would get that back ok so I paid the $250 thinking I was going to get $9250, O but wait no when it came to the bank time to transfer the money I had to pay $900 more I told the man I did not have $900 he then told me he would only need $450 and he would send me $5000 o but wait after I sent the $450 keep in mind that is all I had left to my name then they come back to tell me it will not go throw I would have to pay the whole amount but remember I have no more money so I tell them that I pray to God that this never happens to them now I do not have money to pay my rent or buy food for my children. I hope God has pitty on you.
This is an amazing building!
Excellent place to learn the history of money!!
Well! well! well! ...I received a call today saying I have been granted to receive $9000. Like, I told the lady who would not want to accept $9000. So, as she talked and I listened of course I made her repeat herself a couple of times, which I already knew it was a scam but I let her think she was talking to a foul. Anyway, she gave me a number to call and of course no one answered until later this woman called me back, which i had her to repeat the same info again. After all of that this is were the money party come in, she then told me I could get the money but had to deposit $149 to get $9149 back. I told her I did not have that kind of money so of course she made it sound legit by saying it will be held at the Federal Reserve Bank then sent me these forms where the money will be held until I make the deposit. Please people this is a total scam please do not fall for this. Thank you for reading.
ROTHCHILDS - History!!!
Very, very safe...
I got scammed for 1,100.00, and got left with no rent money. Now Im behind on car payment and Im going to get kicked out of my house with my child. I was so stupid thinking these 9,000.00 where going to actually come in, and that I was finally going to be catch up with bills. Dont fall for it you guys!!
ScammersFunny, one of their examiners was pumping and dumping scam boiler room stocks at my office where he was a temp with no title. He resume is full of lies. He was an overall weasle and compulsive liar that most people saw through.Scott A. you are a fraud, good luck scamming more people. Say hi to your large wife for me.
Federal reserve Bank is one of the most important bank of New York City.
Elegant and fantastic as expected
SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! They called me claiming that I won $8.350. But the funny part is.. Is that they wanted me to give them $200, + a complete different number calling me saying the same thing but this time.. Wanting $550! These bastards stole my money!!! They should be evicted, shut down, and thrown in PRISON. Whatever you do... DONT TRUST THESE BASTARDS!!!
Does secret foreign transactions, not accountable or auditable by the US Government.
What a creepy building when you stop to notice it. There are only small signs that indicate that this bulding is the federal reserve bank, there are cameras everywhere on it. The poor police guard at the door seems unassuming, the bulding towers above him, its clear that the law is serving the capital.
Great Experiences with Kid. I will bring my daughter when she is ready to appreciate this.