I have had the pleasure of working along side Bambi, Amanda, Mike, Todd and the rest of their amazing staff, not to mention the animals themselves, for 14 years now at the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. I am witness to how well cared for these animals are not only by the Dawn Animal Agency Staff, but the love and attention they receive by the cast and crew. And if you’re lucky enough to get a backstage tour or find yourself outside the stage door on 51st St early in the morning you will see that they are adored by their fans as well. We bring them treats as often as possible, pet, hug and love them at every chance allowed. I believe these animals, many that grew up being abused now live a wonderful life and I believe they know it, they have a wonderful repor with all the humans they come in contact with now. The donkey is sweet and loves attention, as do the sheep. The camels are the stars of the show, such gentle magnificent beasts. I love each and every one of them. If there is such a concept as reincarnation and I had a choice, I wouldn’t mind spending my next life under the care of the Dawn Animal Agency...that way I could still stay on stage and receive the love and appreciation of an audience....sounds like a win to me!
Throughout 28 years in the film industry Dawn Animals has never let me down.
Wonderful service, well cared for animals, kind and knowledgable staff.