My grandmother and grandfather lived there for about 10 years, up until her death in the late 70s. I used to spend my summers there and had a blast exploring under the house and the old carriage house in back..They lived downstairs and the rest of the house was set up as student apartments. I also go to explore the attic and found so many old chests full of clothes and some antique toys....
The maze was ok but I am a horror movie fan so I am a little different but good try.
Went there for a paranormal event and enjoyed the history and viewing of the property. I look forward to the next event at the Allen House.
I wish I could go there.
Would love to see this pace and own it lol watched it on “a haunting”
Did anyone go visit yet?
Not bad. The historical history known by the guides was great as was seeing the architecture and carpentry of the house. The spooky aspect was cool if youre into that as well.
Friendly people and beautiful venue
I am watching A Haunting-Secrets (2012) on The Travel Channel now. This is all about The Allen House. It is a beautiful home but looks to be very haunted!
Im watching an episode of A Haunting and its about this house. I decided to look this place up a moment ago and my god its a real place. Would I want to visit it? No thank you, iv had my fill of haunted houses. It sounds nuts but when I was a little girl I was walking through the Whaley House in San Diego, California with my mom. Its a tourist spot because its haunted and has a lot of rich history. As I walked up the stairs of the house I looked towards my right and I saw a woman wearing a purple Victorian style dress and hat just floating in the air. I looked right into her eyes and she looked a little angry ..she was surrounded by green, almost like green bubbles that made a strange sound. All I remember is crying to my mom and reaching up for her. It wasnt until I was older and I walked through the house again with a friend that I realized that I had seen something. Obviously nobody believes me and it sounds crazy even to me. But I definitely do not want to go near any other haunted houses. And I definitely believe that theres things we cant explain that do exist.
Awesome but scary I live in the town and has yet to go see what everyone talking about.
Im conflicted about capatilizing on the house and LaDell. It seems to be a very sad story to begin with and then to make money off it just seems selfish in a way . Its not like Ladell has a choice in the matter either with strangers constantly around . She has no peace as she hasnt crossed over and now she expected to perform . Im am glad that the family can live in harmony with the ghosts but I would think there will come a time when the ghosts get tired of being exploited . Thr house is lovely and thr history is amazing . Good luck to all .
Seen an episode of A Haunting and I say this house is a must see in person, if you like the adrenaline rush it gives you.
See nothing wrong with hosting tours is their house and its a beautiful home they can do what they want I would
It´s a beautiful house, wonderful history, i dont blame the Spencers for making money of this, but seriously, which one of the stories its the real one??? I mean, i just watched paranormal witness and its completely different than the one from discovery and ghost hunters....
Watched a show a haunting with rebeca and the mark about a women that comites suicide over a married man!
It possesses a ghost!! Maybe two!
Hi, spencer family your house is so beautiful and one more thing dont use the word STOP see you later.I want reply immedeate
I also watched a haunting
Wow this is a true story Im watching it now on #ahuaunting, I just had to Google it.. Im blown away by the whole story and they living there...
Planning a trip there ill GET back to us lol
This is amazing .
Ghostly affair
Ghostly affair
Excitedly scary I want to visit!
Cantwait to go see this place will be traveling there in 2016
O it true
Ive never been to this house but Im watching an episode of A Haunting its when Mark, Rebecca Spencer just bought it. This house is haunted by a woman who committed suicide in the house.