My girls have been associated with AYSO for a decade. Fantastic group of volunteers who are passionate about soccer and teaching kids to have fun and gain skills while playing the game.
This review is for the U05 girls, although it may apply to other age groups.This program seems to be well thought - the kids seem to enjoy kicking the ball and playing with their peers.However, I am worried about encouraging kids to expect a sweet snack after practice. One of the reasons we have our kids in sports is to encourage physical activity and good health, and these kinds of snacks derail that goal. I brought up my concern to the coaches regarding the snacks available after practice. I would have liked to bring this topic up for discussion with the parents. We could have either eliminated the sweet snack (one of the available treats is juice with 21g/serving, while the total recommended serving per day for kids is 25g/sugar), and some other sweets or enforce a fruit and water only snack policy. This concern was dismissed without even discussing it.As parents, we are responsible to encourage kids to exercise, play and have fun. Availability of sweets after practice should be a decision that parents should take together.And while we are on my 1* review, please empower girls. Do not use derogatory language such as females are shy (such generalizations do not have a place anywhere).
The parking was hectic but the fields were well groomed and bug free. Everyone was very friendly.
Heard great things, but I was very disappointed. Never had very good response from the leaders of the CR group. I reached out to give my concern about practice times and tournaments. They said they are super flexible with practice times, not at all... They let you know a week before the first practice starts and the practice times are at a difficult time for working parents. I wish they would have been much clearer when I asked them, example; that practices are twice a week, you wont get to know what time practices are and tournaments are every weekend. This would have helped. No one to write bad reviews, but do your homework first on this group. Support local schools if they have a soccer program or the YMCA.
All volunteers running an organized, well-trained soccer program providing instruction for kids 4-15, special needs, and rec league for older kids, year round. Amazing people, 99% of the volunteers are great. Refs, coaches, administrators. Affordable, with fair, even play and equal playing time as two of the driving principles. Gotta love it.
I wish I could endorse this organization but I was appalled to see the coaches giving kids sugary treats after practice. A 4 year old doesnt need treats with 20-30 grams of sugar at 9am after running for half an hour. This should be about encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
Tuma says seems to be hot or cold and very windy. I wish they would plant some trees in between fields.
I appreciate the culture that AYSO is trying to put into the young people playing soccer. I have been disappointed that there have been very few referees at games.
A good organization for young kids to start soccer.
Awesome place
The best