Lots of selection and constantly getting new items. If u are looking for something specific and ask, it can usually be ordered.A nice selection of lingerie and corsets in plus sizes not just regular sizes and new stuff every few weeks!And... items are always tested to make sure they work properly before u leave the store which is great so u dont get home or give a gift that does not work! Some people may not like this practice but all intimate items should be washed with antibacterial toy wash before using anyhow because of factory prep, packaging, shipping, etc...and u never know what it touched or how many hands touched it before it arrived in the stores... just like everything else bought in stores... wash it first!
They OPEN intimate items “to make sure they work” before you leave. The cashier said this was policy! Someone’s hands touches your personal intimate item! The worse part is I am giving an intimate gift that’s been opened and touched! Not good! And it can’t be returned! I watched her open the packaging, remove the product, plug it in while handling with no gloves nor regard. She removed all the items from the packaging while telling me it can be cleaned! Never again!
Compared to similar places I have been there toy selection is on the higher end but as for actual lingerie there options are very limited and very few plus size options available
Worst place ever. Do not go here
Has always been one of my favorite stores to swing by....just to see what is new!!
Yessssss! Good toy selections, cute lingerie, helpful staff. Loved it
The employees are always helpful and the selection is great. If they dont have it, they will see if it can be ordered for you.