I love Breakdown service, their people,Gary Marsh,Fabio and everyone who works there.I pray that Fox, realizes the work we all put in for our wonderful actors,and it would take less time going to 1 site.It was so much easier in the days with only Breakdown Service. Casting networks are also very helpful,Especially “Rich”, but so is Fabio at Breakdown and all their staff.Please join hands again and make this fun,crazy business easier.I have not said anything negative,except loving Breakdown service.I understand why this happened, and casting networks people are great, just likeBreakdown service. It would make everything simple and less time, in these busy hours.Both great, but Breakdown service fabulous.The staff, you just cannot beat....casting networks also has a great staff,Just join hands again, that’s all I’m trying to say.
Long-standing user of the website, I can always count on the authenticity of every project listed and the integrity of those posting it.However lately the website has been malfunctioning it and submissions are getting increasingly difficult, I wrote an email to customer service and was sent back hogwash instructions that did not fix the problem, I attempted another solution that they suggested and yet again no solution to the problem. I decided to call them on the phone for the first time ever and once again was shut down with non-responsive solutions that did not solve the problem.Instead of trying experimenting with the problem I was describing, their only solution was telling me your computer is broken or not properly working. Accountability is key in a business. I’m accountable for paying my annual subscription and maintaining my software and my machine. You all are responsible for maintaining your website.
As someone that casts commercial and film projects, I do not like the Breakdown Service. I much prefer LA Casting and other casting sites than this service. They take a very long time to release casting notices, much longer than other casting sites, and they now require that they get credit in the end credits of projects if you use their site whether or not youve cast someone from using their site, no other casting site is asking for this. Im still waiting for a recent casting notice to get approved by them and its been almost 24 hours. All other casting sites had my casting notice approved right away. I believe theyre doing a disservice to the actors that pay them since the Breakdown Service is pushing those of us that cast to use other sites instead of them. Theyre only in business IF casting decides to continue to use them; if not then theyre out of business and so they really need to rethink how hard they make it for us to get our notices posted and how long it takes.
Its a good site, better than LA Casting and Casting Frontier. I like the format. The down side is when you click the paid roles only box, pretty much everyday theres several non paid projects that are listed in the paid section. They need to do a better job at monitoring this considering we pay for this service, we should be getting what we pay for and not have to weed through a bunch of junk.
Just terrible, never do business with these people ever again.
Love it, very user friendly and reliable! On breakdown services youll find all the acting jobs! And Gary Marsch is such a sweathart!
I have had some problems getting my projects listed as the companies computers were all down (for a very long time) so I could not even get through to an operator. After I complained I was contacted by Gary Marsh and Fabio Quintal who both explained what happened and released my casting notices, even though it must have been getting late in the afternoon. Now that is the Breakdown Express I remember!
You bet ya, Pavel. I always have good fortune with these Katz. Ive listed several projects, acquired talent and sold them to Steven Speilberg. I mean questa e diga niente.