Always fun group of people with lots of activities. Although this yacht club can boast some of the best youth sailing programming on the coast, it is not just for boating enthusiasts. Overlooking the Long Beach Harbor, this private club welcomes visitors and guests from other yacht clubs along the Gulf Coast as well as members of other yacht clubs throughout the world.
Love this place! Were happy here and the people are very hospitable.Were new to Long Beach and no longer meet people on the soccer field or scouts.
Awesome place!! Great pool!
Had breakfast for Cruisin the Coast this morning. Very good food, especially for the price! Will eat there again.
Great place to unwind!
Great views...great sailing program for Coast youth.
A place to leave your cares and worries behind, get in touch with the creator and yourself. Very clean and family friendly. Ive been spending time in this area for two years . the beach stays clean, the piers the walkway and most of all peoples attitude is my idea of southern hospitality. Ive met no strangers here . only respectful and peaceful of a culture is my opinion. The harbor is very up to date with docking and quiet as the ocean breeze. Its my home away from home. Thanks for all of the effort long beach that goes unseen. And led me add one of the nicest harbor master you ever encounter. He cares for long beach this harbor and all who come to enjoy saltlife. Its most defiantly leave north Mississippi and move to the gulf coast. And if your a fisherman or like the sport. This is where its at. You keep my feet grounded long beach and the gulport areas. May God bless each of you, he most deafantly made a wonderful place on the gulfcoast. From waveland all theway over to ocean springs. Keep the light shinning. You make Mississippi great.
Great people.Great Enviroment
Beautiful place, perfect views
Nice place
Great southern hospitality
Lots of friendly people.