Awesome site! I’m fascinated by Underground Railroad history so it was fascinating to visit the house of a radical abolitionist and hear specifics of how he was involved in the cause. I brought my kids (age 3-15) and was thrilled to see their play area for little kids. My littles happily played with the old-time items while we learned about the Peck family. My kids love the Junior Ranger program that is available at all National Parks. The Sheldon Peck Homestead is on the National register of Underground Railroad sites, so they offer the “Discovering the Underground Railroad” workbook and badge offered by the National Park Service.Pictures are of the kids’ playroom inside the house. The kids cooked on a miniature stove, dressed up in period costumes, drew on the chalkboard, carded wool, pretended to wash clothes with a washboard, read books about the underground railroad, and more.
I almost missed even though I had intended to visit. Currently hosting a fabulous exhibit of Sheldon Peck portraits ( his son Charles founded what would become the stellar Art Institute of Chicago). Most importantly Mr. Peck senior was part of the Underground Railroad providing safe haven and assistance to those escaping slavery. Profoundly moving humble home you should see. The painting exhibit is exquisite but ends in August. Get out to Lombard and witness this while you can. One of the best exhibits going on this summer.
You should definitely visit at least once if you spend much time in Lombard. Learn about one of the villages founding members in this neat house right near downtown.Has a small gift shop.
Very nice place not expensive $2 suggested donation
Too much $