The ride is pretty great- ignore the people who are like This ride is too bouncy. To uncomfortable.They just arent roller coaster people, who probably went on the ride once and never gave it another chance. Last time I checked, rollercoasters arent the softest rides in the world.It was really fun, I was beyond depressed once it shut down.
This was one of my favorite Disney attractions ever. So sad that it’s permanently closed now. I will miss this ride so much... R.I.P. Primeval Whirl (2002-2019) :(
Not gonna lie. Im glad we might be getting a replacement for this ride. It never fit in with the beautiful Disney aesthetic.
Shame that Disney is closing it permanently. My boys and I loved it!
I used to hate this ride as the previous incarnation spun too much and made me quite uncomfortable. I have ridden this ride twice during the 2019/2020 holiday season operation schedule and it was a really fun ride. Yes it’s jerky but it’s certainly ten steps above a carnival ride. It’s really a underrated quality attraction.
This is a decent ride if you dont have to wait too long. Positive point: a family can ride together in the vehicles. Negative: the ride is a bit rough, not scary just rough.
My kids have enjoyed this ride thoroughly ever since we first visited Disney World. Its not a long wait to ride, and the cheesy Dinosaur theme always cracks them up. I would definitely recommend riding this, though it was closed the last time we went.
Great for younger kids, not much for teanager and up.
This was a fun coaster. It spins you around and has 2 baby drops. They can seat 4 people in one cart. It lasts about 5 minutes maybe less. The line was 40 minutes on a Monday in the beginning of March. It was a fun ride overall.
This is an awesome ride. It is themed for time travel. It has all kinds of quick turns and unexpected twists. The car itself begins to spin at certain points in the ride. I always thoroughly enjoy this ride.
It was closed. I wish I could ride it though, it looks really fun! Maybe next time?
I know its not a new major attraction, but this ride is a lot of fun for what it is, and for the small space it takes up. The kids love it and can get back in line time after time. Sometimes there isnt even a line, another benefit of not being a major attraction. A little hidden treasure in open view.
Worst ride in all of Disney World period. Avoid at all costs. Rough ride, jerky, compact, not smooth at all and a very cheesy theming on top of it. A really bad cheap fair ride. Have your chiropractor on standby if ride this hunk of junk. Better yet all of Dino land needs replacing or a new theme.
This is one of the older rides here but is still really fun. The ride rotates as it zooms around the track - which is fun for sure, but might not be suitable for everyone. This is definitely a fun little break from the bigger attractions with longer lines.
Ok. Queues too long for how good the ride is. It kind of hurts a bit. Probably needs an update
I actually really like this ride. It’s so cute. It’s also a good roller coaster for some of the younger kids. However, it could use some updating I think, because the seats are so small and you’re so squished in. But it’s still a lot of fun even though it’s a bit silly lol
The height requirement is wrong. It should say 48, not 40. Fun ride, but I cant bring my 3 year old yet.
A ride that is much more fun than it looks like from the ground. Once you are up in the air there are times when you feel like you are suspended in air.
The ride didnt spin as much as I thought it would. But that could have been a blessing.
Best ride at this park
Fun and not super-intense version of a wild mouse type rollercoaster. Corners are not too jarring and the hills and spins are quite exhilarating without being frightening at all for the younger ones (probably at least 9 to 10 years old minimum based on height, however).
It was fun for myself and my child but it is more of a carnival ride. Its very jerky and not good for young children even if they meet the height requirement.
For carnival standards this is ride is really well themed and executed. For Disney standards it is poorly done and not worth a longer wait than 10-15 minutes.The ride is a roller coaster and doesn’t go overly fast, however toward the end it goes into a mild spin sequence. It is definitely good for kids starting off on roller coasters.
My kids LOVED it. I survived it without too much trepidation.
What a great ride. Its smaller a and shorter but its stories surprises you. Had to waiting on the rain but it was worth it plus Disney is fantastic with the free fast passes.
This ride is the worst! My girls make me go on it too many times
I love this ride in Animal Kingdom at Dinoland USA
Good ride but avoid if you get hurt being whipped around.
Fun ride with light theming, but the seats are pretty uncomfortable.
Love this little roll-a-coaster. About half way through the ride the car starts spilling. Ive also tried to record this with a video camera but the drop recovery kept kicking in lol
Brilliant, I think I got whiplash, but other than that...
This is a cute little coaster, probably a good one to take kids on if you are introducing them to this type of ride for the first time.You ride in a vehicle that fits 4 people with a shoulder harness type device.There were some drops on here, but nothing TOO terrible. I enjoyed it for the most part.The only negative is that we got jerked around a bit more than I would have liked.The coaster does spin around a bit, but only for part of the ride.My husband was a little freaked by the drops on here, but I think it was fairly tame.
It will push you around but a great roller-coaster for beginners and kids.
Very bumpy, but lots of fun! Be careful at the end of your back (for adults) and head( for smaller kids) because it bumps you suddenly. Once you know this, you will avoid it on the subsequent whirls there !! We went four times!
This is the first ride my whole family did together at Walt Disney World. It was actually pretty neat. Its not that intense but the whirl factor really helps out.
Very fun roller coaster. It usually has a smaller wait time if you are looking for a quick ride between fast passes. Be wary if you dont like abrupt changes in direction, this isnt a smooth ride.
One of my favorite kiddie coasters in Disney World! Fun Mouse Trap style spinner. Good for kids and adults alike!
This ride is wonderfully themed like a homemade roadside attraction. Its got fun swishy drops but the best part is when your time machine starts free rotating around a series of corners!
Fun but more geared for the little folks
This was my favorite at the WDW parks. Even tho on this review Ill be mentioning some other parks and rides we went on. It really felt like I was riding thru an African safari. A wide variety of animals to see. I guess as long as weather conditions are okay or animals arent sleeping. Toy Story Mania! was great also loved that ride Under Andies Bed me and the kids had a blast. The Tower of Terror OMG! and the ride took a picture of us looking crazy. The Great Movie ride Im happy we got a chance to ride it before the closed it down. I was also happy to get pictures of the Mickey Mouse magicians hat before it got dismantled. Now Stars Tours was funny loved the simulator ride with R2D2 and 3PCO. I didnt go on Aerosmith Rock n Rollercoaster but the kids did. As a matter of fact they went on a total of four times. Lines werent long that evening. I did go on Mission: Space I did the orange level. That G force effect is strong on this ride. Primeval Whirl, Jungle Cruise and Spaceship Earth to name to name few rides. Space Mountain also fun.
This is a thrill ride. I loved it. Twists, turns and deep drops. Not a ride for the faint of heart.
Great place to take the kids and enjoy a little family time. One of the coasters is a bit ruff and will kill your back so best to let the kids just go on that one
A fun coaster type ride at Disneys Animal Kingdom Park. The ride kind of tosses you around the car a little bit but is still fun. Not something Id want to ride over and over again. My kids (17, 15 and 12) enjoyed it. Id say if the wait is 20 minutes or less then go for it.
Good fun! Not too scary, but still has enough thrills for the whole family. The wait seems manageable, as well.
Such a fun ride! Didnt even know it was there until this year. Definitely going back!
This ride is a filler ride. Weird herky jerky ride. If you have free time sure go do it. But if not skip over it
Such a fun unexpected ride. Couldn’t stop giggling from the ride.
This ride is fun you dont have to worry about getting sick. Make sure you dont eat a lot of popcorn though before you go on the ride.
My boy and us enjoy very much the ride!
Good fun rollercoaster for young people
Fun, but make sure you dont eat before getting on. Better than the old ride under this name.
What a Blast we had on this ride. OMG! We laughed so hard and screamed so hard!Anyone who says this ride is no fun needs to really evaluate their life and wonder where its going! Debbie Downers will never be happy in life! Get out with family & Friends and enjoy what the Disney Parks have to offer! FUN
My daughter and I enjoyed this ride. Its not like any of the other roller-coasters at Disney. It has an old carnival ride feel. There is a lot of jerky moments and dips. My son hated it and refused to go on any of the big attraction roller-coasters after this one.
Awesome simple seeming roller coaster with a bit of a will see what I mean. If you have a neck or back issue...Id avoid
Decent ride but I wouldnt wait long time for it. Its kind of a jerky and twisty roller coaster ride that doesnt last very long. Guess it was kind of fun though.
Very cool ride. Its a tiltawhirl and coaster combined. The wait wasnt very long either.
Fun ride, but if you get motion sick, skip this one.
Really rough ride. Bounces you around and throws your neck from side to side.
Not much fun. Kennywood has the same ride (Exterminator), but indoors and it runs much more smoothly, and doesnt slow you to a crawl part way through the ride.Maybe exposure to the weather is what made the difference.
One of my favorite rides at animal kingdom. has a carnival feel to it. Lots of fun!
This ride is actually fun and you can ride it multiple times due to the quick lines. The sounds are comical (like your being sucked through a straw not into the past) and the dinosaurs look a little derpy, but all in all a fun ride.
Comon, its Disney World! Everything that you would expect and nothing less regardless of which park you are in!
I got motion sickness, but it was an enjoyable ride for younger children.
Lol this ride was super fun took my kids in it on the last day we were there and all of us got sick. But its a fun ride.
Fun fun fun
My son, Eoghan convinced my husband and I to ride this attraction, despite both our fear of motion sickness. We both came out the other side unscathed! And my son (8 years old) loved the dickens out of it. Not a long ride, but long enough to be fun.
A Very Awesome RollerCoaster But Its To Bumpy At The Turns And When You Ride It 10+ Times Your Back Starts Hurting.
Its like the mouse carnival ride but better.
Its soo painfull! more ows then ahhhs
This is a fun ride, but TAKE OFF OR HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS, or your hat will blow away. This happened to me, but I got my hat back.
Going to miss this ride, enjoy it while you can
Primeval Whirl is a basic off-the-shelf-wild mouse ride, but the theming is great and has a Disney touch, plus its fun. Warning dont ride right after youve had a turkey leg.
Fantastic time with a lot of options.
Fun ride. Fun place.
Really fast and exciting
Good ride!
Get ready for a rough ride, lots of spins and direction changes on this low coaster. If you dont like jerks and spins but prefer the up and down this one isnt for you.
Spinning coaster! Its not really as fun as it looks but it is a unique style coaster. Unfortunately since it is a coaster it typically has long lines.
I guess its pretty fun, but, really? A sparkly Zamperla Wildmouse? I know that Disney could have done way better than this
Generally short wait times and plenty of drops and spins make this ride a must at Animal Kingdom.
Fun ride. Spins in opposite directions so you dont get sick.
My oldest kid who is 7 really liked this ride. But be wary that it is pretty jerky and can wreck havoc on your neck.
A fancy Wild Mouse, nothing more. Hundreds across America, every one cheaper than this.
Aside from the sheer hideous look of the PVC pipes holding this thing together and the absolutely annoying noises you hear in the wait line, The ride itself was awful. I actually was scared for my life. It felt like you were going to fly off at every turn and with no kind of guard rail it is probably possible. The ride is absolute crap and it was both physically painful and mentally. Didnt make you feel safe at all. Come on Disney.. You can do much better than that.
Not the best coaster. OK if you have some time to kill but not particularly worth a long wait by any means.
The design is really cool and this is a great starter coaster or one for those of us who dont actually like roller coasters.
Ride line was moving, but then one side broke down. In general, ride is like another called mouse trap.
This is one wild ride!
Classic scenic railway... With a twist.. Fun ride