Awful experience!!!!Please think twice about sending your child here. They have children who are very mean and are allowed to get away with it because they are on the “team” .My child had his private parts grabbed by another child, he was physically and emotionally hurt. It was handled very poorly to say the least!I gave them ample time to address this but instead of being apologetic they tried to turn the blame onto my child. Very sad, very upset & in no way should they justify what happened.It took me calling several times to ask if the child in question was going to be talked to or parents called.Really disappointed and sad for my child to be treated this way.
We love Tumblebees. My daughter takes classes during the school year and does the camp over the summer. She always has a great time, one of her favorites games is playing hide and seek in the gym. The managers are always very helpful and knowledgeable. We loved that we switched to Tumblebees.
Wonderful place to take your children. My three granddaughters came to spend the summer with us and we took them to Tumblebees and they had the most amazing time. The coaches were amazing and so was the manager Maria Torres. I would totally recommend this place to all my friends and most definitely will take my granddaughters when they come back.
I have 2 daughters in the Summer camps. One went with a friend and came back and said it was “OK”. The other was solo came back miserable and doesn’t want to go back. I’ll be constructive here and say:-camp is about learning, socializing and having fun. The coaches should focus on the kids and not converse with each other at length where the kids feel they are interrupting the conversation if they need coaching-discipline is a necessary tool but coaches shouting at every opportunity is not a productive environment-not a great idea to sell M&M’s to kids who are exercising and keeping fit, why not sell fruit.-coaches should police equipment use, rather than “first come, first serve” and allowing kids hog more time than others-for the price charged, kids should come home happy and tired. There was too much downtime and not enough energy spent.-a call to the office to open a constructive dialogue about this was promptly met with, “we don’t give refunds”When I picked up my daughters, it did smell clean, so that’s a positive.
Tumblebees is far superior to other gyms!! It is clean, safe and is overall fun for the kids.
My kids love this place ! Danielle and Nicole are amazing coaches, so patient and great with kids!
TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! I have twin 3.5y/o boys who I signed up for 3 weeks of camp in advance. Week 1 went great no issues then week 2 and 3 started the nightmare. In the beginning of Week 2 a younger child bit one of my boys cheeks so hard it left a bright red welt on his cheek for the remainder of the day and into the evening. It continued to leave a mark even the day after so this bite was nothing to take lightly. Now let me be clear, my issue isnt the child biting (that happens at this age) its how the situation was handled. I am the first contact on my childrens account, but the staff not only didnt call me after the incident they skipped my husband (2nd contact) and called my mother who is the last on our contact list. When I arrived for pickup I wasnt given any explanation of the incident and was told I could wait for the instructor to complete the report. I waited for the report and it stated childen bitten and ice applied. I think I can speak for most parents in saying youd like to know more of how the incident happened from what provoked it to a final outcome as I can clearly see my childs huge bite mark. When I asked for more information I was told they would call me in about an hour once they could get additional information from the instructor after the midday pick up time. I waited 2 hours and no call so when I finally called I was given attitute and made to feel stupid that I was requesting more information aside from a simple your child was bitten. Did my kid provoke the situation? Is my kid being bullied? Is my kid bullying and perhaps the child bit him in retaliation? These are all questions I didnt have answers for but are situations I would have liked to be able to address with my child. Now lets go to Week 3. That first Monday was very chaotic and only 2 instructors to 18 3-4 y/o seems like a poor ratio. To make a long story short I opted to not have my kids attend the remainder of the week due to the understaffing and asked if a refund of the unattended days was possible to which I was told yes. I called Wednesday afternoon asking about a single day attendance due to a child care emergency and was told the boys could both come back in. I brought them in and upon pickup I asked about the refund for the Tues/Wed they missed and was told I needed to call back when a manager was back which was in about an hour and would call me when she returned. 2 hours went by and no call so again I called the office. I provided my card information for a refund and was told I would receive $15/kid for the 2 days missed for a total of $30. Being that I paid $135/kid math would lead one to believe that I should be refunded $27/day per kid for a total of $108 but I just kept being told I was being refunded $30 total. After processing my card information the owner stated in a very rude and entitled fashion how they do not give refunds and I was lucky to be getting one. The tone and entitlement in her voice was very rude and unprofessional. I expressed how although my boys reporting having fun at the facility, my experience with their staff had been very negative. I was then told that obviously nothing would make me happy and I wouldnt be getting a refund for Friday (which I was told to not attend) because that would make you (me) happy. There was more exchange in this conversation such as the owner laughing at me when I provided a description, upon being asked for an example, of a negative interaction I had with one of the instructors in particular. It should also be known that when I asked if who I was speaking with was the owner I was told not only that she is but that shes the only one, yet per their website there are 4 co-owners. The owner I spoke with is Maria Torres and the instructor I had a negative interaction with is Bella.