In case you needed to stop by one of the neighboring businesses to check out or drop something off (even if for a minute), whatever you do, do not park on their side of the parking lot. The woman instructor will rudely tell you to get out of her area.
The owner of the gym was unbelievably rude to me because we showed up for class one afternoon and my son didnt have elastic shorts. She says this is a rule of her gym that isnt written down anywhere, its not on any document that you are required to sign. Its not posted in writing anywhere in her gym. She threatened to kick us out of her gym because I dared to challenge her unwritten rule. And she claimed that I triggered her PTSD, basically treating me like a monster. Well be going to Pantheon. Also, I dont think the coach offers very good instruction for boys. She clearly favors girls. She offers them no guidance on how to get into a pose. She just yells at them. If you have boys, dont bring them here.
They have a really fun learning attitude and environment. My son loves the activities and had learned a lot.