Thats the best three days for golf I ever got. Full of insight into what makes an effortless golf swing. The drills, for a beginner like me are very challenging but not impossible. The 360 turnaround drill was most fun of all. You want to learn a new way? You gotta do a three day gravity golf school. Cant wait to use the drills. When you go to a gravity golf school you will have to go with beginners though you know nothing about the golf dont.Taylor Boyd
What is this magic? All I can say is WOW! I have been golfing over 30 years, and after making a complete fool out of myself trying these drills at the driving range while continuously reviewing the DVD - and not giving up, my mind finally made the connection with my body, which is exactly what makes Gravity Golf different from other teaching systems. Believe me, I have tried direct lessons with teaching aids/contraptions, everything from Stack & Tilt to focusing solely on turning the hips...and everything in between. I have always been strong and athletic ... but could never feel a perfect golf swing, and of course noone could ever describe it. Once in a great while I would hit the effortless perfect shot, but could never recreate it - and the harder I tried, the worse I played. I rarely write reviews, but feel the need to here because of the amazing results. I am hitting high, long soft draws that feel like butter coming of the club with zero effort. Im still fighting my old swing, but less and less - am enjoying golf now more than ever. THANK YOU!!!Matt
My wife and I had the best golf experience we have ever had this weekend in Altus, AK. Two days getting expert instructions from Gravity Golf instructor Jim Edgin at his custom built range in Altus, AK. . No BS, I added 30yrds to my drives with little effort. Just ask my golfing buddies who were wondering who took over my body when I played two days after working with Jim. Great guy too!
As a lifelong (50+ years) student of the game and perennially puzzled 10 handicap practitioner, my belated discovery of David Lee’s protean insights and ingenious drills prompted outsized expectations and a trip to Kingston WA for three days of engaging interaction with Daniel Lee. One year later, I am delighted to say that every aspect of my experience at the school, and more comprehensively with the breadth of Gravity Golf materials and resouces, has exceeded those lofty expectations, infusing every round and practice session with the gift of joyful self-discovery. For me, the impressive totality of the GG experience comes down to two words: Integrity and Humility. In an age where hype and hubris dominate vast realms of American life and commerce, it is gratifying and reassuring to know that good people with smart ideas, superb pedagogical skills, folks with uncommon patience, personal warmth and generosity, still exist and prosper, resoundingly.Bravo Gravity Golf!
A big WOW after taking the 3 day Gravity Golf class with Daniel. I was apprehensive about taking the class with not being an avid golfer, more of a leisure golfer, but that all changed meeting Daniel with his experience and knowledge. The drills, the methodology, and the form all came together making a huge difference. Daniel has such a skill. Watching his swing looks so effortless and seamless. I truly appreciated his patience and additional drills to bring the concept to life for me. Enjoyed the small group training and getting out on the course putting it all together. Great course, great teacher! Thank you Daniel!
The Gravity Golf schools and the Gravity Golf system is one of the most comprehensive and effective teaching methodologies that I have seen and experienced.David and Danny Lee are fantastic teachers and very patient. They let you as the student learn what works best for your body type as every persons swing has unique needs based on the students body type. Too many teachers try to stick to one swing model and it simply doesnt work for the human anatomy.Ive even done some of my own personal research using K-Motion systems to track the kinematic sequence of the golf swing. The Gravity Golf drills put the body into the proper kinematic sequences by default. You simply dont have to think about it which is always the goal of a great learning experience.As a student or golfer, you will truly feel the mass of your body going through the ball with the Gravity Golf drills and its a feeling like no other type of swing in golf. Once you get that eureka moment and that feeling of body mass getting through the ball, you will know Gravity Golf is the real deal!
This has been the best golf instruction I have received. More than just teaching the mechanics and motion of an efficient golf swing. The teaching of being aware of what is happening in your body and your mind has been very helpful to me. Watching Danny Lee apply it himself is a joy to watch and worth putting in the drill time to get the swing.
As Chi Chi Rodriguez said, David might be the finest instructor who ever lived. I was a decent player, could get hot and go low, but could also lose it and feel like I wanted to quit. I had gone to many of the top instructors in the country, played well for a few days after, but always reverted to the same issues - none of them had any idea when I asked why on some fundamental they thought was an absolute... they couldnt answer.After spending an afternoon with David, and after reading the book and watching the DVDs, I steadily began to develop the gravity move... this resulted in consistent contact, much more compression, more mass hitting the ball, and with much more efficiency, as I was using less energy to propel the ball further and more consistently. Golf is an athletic movement - you can that in all the great ballstrikers - they moved not unlike anyone hitting a baseball or throwing a football or any motion where the lower leads a following relaxed upper. The question is how to learn what those greats somehow fell into... and that is David and Gravity Gold... it shows you how. I cannot recommend Gravity Golf enough.
The drills in the Book/DVD have helped me get my golf swing on track much faster than I had expected. If you have the hit impulse like I had, it may take some time to retrain yourself. Just keep doing the drills and youll find that you really can develop a golf swing that produces power and accuracy like youve always wanted. Thanks David and Daniel.
I love Gravity Golf and the instructors that deliver it. They have such a unique approach to teaching that goes beyond traditional methods. It is very effective and well worth the money. I am truly grateful for finding them as it has totally changed my perspective of the game. Thanks Gravity Golf!!
Great 3 day school at Orlando in early May 19. The instructor, Jim Edgin, was first class in his training methods and I cant rate him highly enough. Its so good to come away from something like this knowing that I have learnt a new skill set that I can take to my game and improve it. Its only a short while since the school but Im seeing improvements already in my overall game. You have to keep practicing those drills! Will definitely be keeping in touch with Gravity Golf.
I had a great experience with the Gravity golf program! Firstly, the coaching staff was awesome, providing me with unique drills and techniques in order to help me to break the tension creating habits I have acquired over time. I now know what an effortless, gravity assisted swing feels like! I had 3 very full days of instruction, drills, application, and fun!
These guys are the real thing!The Gravity golf method has helped me, at age 84 and after 66 years playing golf as an enthusiastic single figure amateur, to understand the golf swing better than I ever have done.Watching Sir Henry Cotton give a demonstration at my school in the fifties - soon after his last Open win - inspired me to play the game and David and Daniel have been my inspiration to continue playing competitive golf into my eighties.Wishing you all every success at your new home.Dr David Shlosberg
Great experience with Danny Lee at the golf school in Orlando. Danny is certainly very knowledgeable in the golf swing and how to most efficiently use physics to achieve best results. Would highly recommend the Gravity Golf system to anyone who has an open mind and is serious about improving their play.
I now have the tools needed to let my brain train my body to control the flight of a golf ball. Only Gravity Golf has a program that can accomplish this. Great people great instructor, great continued support.
I cant say enough good things about Gravity Golf. It is a clear and concise method that quickly teaches you how to produce a true and efficient golf SWING. It is a sensation that, once experienced, you cannot unlearn. And while this swing is very easy on the body, it is equally hard on the ball. The Gravity Golf swing produces a ton of clubhead speed automatically and precisely when you want it--at impact.
I have known about Gravity Golf for many years and purchased their materials back in the late 80s the first time. I met David at the Florida World Wood golf courses and was very interested in his teaching methods.I now live in the country of Panama after being in Costa Rica for 11 years. Just purchased new updated videos recently about putting on the arc and the gravity swing.. After reviewing them I decided to purchase the Brick on the Stick putter. Boy!!!! do I love it. I have taken many strokes off my game with this great putter. David is way ahead of the game with his thinking and techniques .You cannot go wrong with this company and they are really helpful, personable, and friendly with their customers. I recommend them highly. As a former business owner this is the best way to get customers, provide something unique.Thank you David, Danny and Crickett.Ken NelsonBoquete Panama
I average playing twice a month. My handicap dropped from an 8 to a 2 in 3 months doing these drills after reading the book and watching the videos... then I went to a 3 day training with David and Danny Lee. It was awesome! I’m a science geek and a feel player so I love the Hands On training drills AND the physics/biomechanics-based reasoning.I don’t get to play that often but I can say for myself golf is much more enjoyable hitting the ball flush without trying to kill the ball. The game becomes much easier when you hit fairways and greens. The number one comment I get from the guys I play with is they can’t believe how far I hit the ball with such an “easy” swing. My answer is Gravity Golf.
I’ve not had the pleasure of attending one of their schools, but what David and Daniel teach will definitely help your golf game. Two of the nicest, most dedicated people in the industry. Bravo!
Great people. Great method. A swing, not a hit. Making progress after 57 yrs. of doing it wrong. Teaching my 11 yr old granddaughter before she learns bad habits. Dave Maczko
David Lee is the most brilliant mind in golf. From his book, through the videos, the golf schools, drills and training programs he and his son, Daniel have created and maintained the most physics-viable and cunning way to outwit the deep desire to “hit at” the ball. Their love of the game and ability to communicate it is an invaluable resource to all who swing a club from the humble beginner to the seasoned pro. Ed Woodall FGUK, BA Hons. Oxford, United Kingdom.
I have been using Gravity golf technique for a year now, my swing is coming around nice, no upper body which eliminated the over the top move. I have taken many lessons and no one could eliminate that move, I have been told, keep your back to the hole, dont start the swing from the top, to no avail. Heaving the club up, starting the counter-fall when the club is still going up, lower body turning before upper body eliminates over the top and I hit the ball further with no upper body flex, which stops the core from rotating.
Great website. Great teaching. Thanks. Hitting it longer and straighter than ever. Easy to pick up and retain.
I have been a Gravity Golf enthusiast since 2002 and cant tell you how much this can do for anyones swing. Instead of spending the next 20 years frustrated by your game, why not do a 3 day school and be fixed? Thats how I looked at it. And David and Danny are such wonderful people.
David and Danny are two of the nicest people I have ever met. They were very courteous and informative during the school. I have struggled with trying to KILL the golf ball, and although David didnt get it completely out of me, I have a road map on how to practice and hoping to have that ah-ha moment, which will force me to make a 3:00 AM call to David :) Highly recommend this Golf School to anyone who wants to improve their golf game
Working with David Lee has completely transformed my golf game and understanding of swing mechanics and how to train swing mechanics into the body. I consider him to be the smartest man in golf and believe anyone who takes the time to understand what his 40 years of research have uncovered will see it that way too. A huge thank you to David and the Gravity Golf team for revitalizing my love for the game and my playing career!
Gravity, momentum, and centrifugal force are the elements of every golf swing. David Lee did not invent them, but he did discover how to use them in harmony for an effortless, balanced, and the most efficient way to deliver a club-head through the ball with power and accuracy. Golf combines geometry and the laws of physics. David teaches you to use it all to your natural advantage. Let him open the door to a new understanding for you, as he did for me.
The Gravity Golf system and school really changed my approach to the game. I love how their philosophy is research-based and centered around the idea that the mind is smart enough to figure out the swing through drills without the need to over analyzing everything. They really helped me get out of my head, and into my body. They gave me all the tools I needed to bring my game to the next level. I highly recommend their schools to golfers of all ages and abilities.
You could not find better teaching or more honest teachers anywhere. The folks at Gravity Golf are simply the best.
David and Daniel are wonderful teachers that have put a lot of time and effort into developing drills and instruction that help us learn golf the way we learned to walk.
I quit golf after 17 years of frustration! Then I met David Lee by accident, in 4 months I was back to shooting 75. Thanks for all the pleasure I have experienced.
Once I put in the required work using the drills to truly feel the concept I knew there was no going back to my old ways of beating my head against the wall. It provides a more linear improvement than anything Ive ever seen. Its truly magical. Do the drills, follow the rules, and success will come. David Lee is a genius!
Took my first Gravity Golf lesson with Jim Edgin. Jim met me at my car where he introduced himself and from there we hit it off. I have been practicing or trying to imitate David and Danny Lee by watching the Youtube videos for a couple years. I think I watched every video 10 times or more before I set up my own practice sessions. Nothing compares to having an instructor watching you for 4 hours perform the drills. Jim took me out of my comfort zone where I started to understand both good and bad shots. Just by watching the videos and practicing Gravity Golf I was able to reduce my handicap by 8 strokes. Now with Jim Edgin guidance I feel confident, with practice, I will see single digit handicap this year. Oh, I am from New Hampshire, anyone in New Hampshire or Massachusetts use Gravity Golf, I am on FB. Let me know and we can get together.
Gravity Golf’s approach to teaching the golf swing is truly revolutionary; and it was long overdue. Finally, I understand the science involved in a solid, repeatable swing and realize the futility of fighting against the laws of physics, as I have been for so long. When your swing is in harmony with nature, and gravity, it’s effortless, powerful, effective… and it makes golf fun! Bravo! to David Lee and Gravity Golf.
The science of Gravity Golf changed my life as a player and a teacher. As a player- I cant recommend Gravity Golf enough as it creates a swing for life! For many years, my paradigm of golf was to practice and correct an error only to have a new error or swing flaw pop up every few weeks... This is a never ending loop for most golfers... Gravity Golf teaches an athletic swing thats more like riding a bike or throwing a baseball. Once learned- the swing is easy to repeat! As a swing coach- I now teach golfers a non-thinking golf swing so they can PLAY GOLF, rather than THINK GOLF SWING.... Im forever grateful that I put in the effort of learning the drills. I now have a swing I can rely on year in and year out. Im forever grateful to David Lee. Great mentor, great friend.
The Gravity Golf method is a fantastic approach to the game; driver-to-putter. The use of a physics compliant approach to the game makes so much sense.When you invest a little time with some proper GG instruction, youll begin to understand the gravity mechanism; at some point, youll have an ah-ha moment when you realize that the body leads the swing by coming off-vertical (a radical idea for some....) and the arms are just along for the ride.When you find the counterfall and soft-arms combination --golfing serendipity!
Spending time with David Lee has helped me become a better player and teacher. I recommend any serious golfer or coach spend some time learning the principles he teaches.
More swing technology than the rest of the teaching techniques combined...........
My experience with David Lee and Gravity Golf has been nothing but positive. GG has been the basis for my biggest leaps forward in consistent play, improved scoring, and more fun playing. He (David) is amazingly insightful and patient--and he has an empathetic ear. No matter what your swing presents to him, he will have seen it before and will have immediate constructive guidance for how to make it better. His system is more stress-free than anything Ive encountered in working with a variety of different instructors and different methodologies. Toiling obsessively to gain marginal improvement in this game over many years, Ive made some big mistakes in trying to adopt various swing concepts that did not work for me. Gravity Golf has been the remedy for those mistakes. So, unless youre into punishing yourself by the bleeding hands approach of working harder and enjoying it less, turning to Gravity Golf is very likely to turn regret into rejoicing over your game.
David, and Daniel Lee are fantastic teachers of a wonderful method.
If you love golf, if you can think a little bit ouside of the box, then youll learn great stuff and the sky is the limit. Thank you David and Danny
Gravity Golf is simply the best golf instruction available
David Lee knows the golf swing!
Great people, great teachers, great results!