Dobre Gymnastics
9168 Gaither Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, United States
Dobre Gymnastics

Review №1

I love the dobre brothers. They are amazing and have gotten far in life. They have inspired me so much to be the person I am today. Even though I have never been there I just want to thank them for everything they have done. Without you guys there would be not as much kindness in the world. They have followed the same path as their parents and they should be proud. They should never forget that. I will never forget how much positivity they have spread throughout the world. Thank you guys

Review №2

An amazing place with professional to teach the kids.

Review №3

My kids and I love watching the Dobre Brothers channels and are huge fans. Every time they see the gym they get so excited asking when we can go. It’s only and hour and fifteen minutes away from us so we will definitely be planning a visit in the very near future. They definitely need a great place to learn and practice gymnastics and hope to learn backflips as well. Can’t wait to visit.... I’m sure it will be beyond five stars. Thank you all for being such great role models.

Review №4

Hello Im from Algeria and I love this place so much . You make all people professional. I wish u the success... .I hope the next year I can to go here and for give me a visa ...

Review №5

I have never been I go to docsiders but I want to join the gym. I follow all the dobre family musically please follow mine at @they.luvvv.kori

Review №6


Review №7

Ive never been there but i am sure that Dobre Gymnastic Gym is Worldclass Gymnastic Gym Because of its Owner the worldclass Gymast Ms. Aurelia Dobre Not Just that but also Dobre Family Is Such A role model Family i know that they are not teaching only Gymnastic but also They teach on how to be a teamplayer and how to be kind to each one another Thats Why Dobre Gymanstic Is the Best for me Avid Fan of Dobre Family in philippines

Review №8

Hi I might just got there because we just moved around there and I do gymnastics. I did gymnastics since I was 3 . And I did subscribe to the dobre brothers

Review №9

If you are looking for real and serious gymnastics for your kids, and at the same time for them to have fun, come to Dobre Gymnastics. You will see and feel the difference.What made us love this place is not only the reputation owners and teachers already achieved, but also their professionalism and care to students.We just had birthday party here for our five year daughter, Three teachers put little guests in three groups, used the entire open space facility, taught them how to do warm-up, led them to try challenging but exciting jumps, swings, and rope sliding. This was our third birthday party in the region. My daughter said this was her best one and wanted to come back again!

Review №10

I havent been there because im in australia, but ive read other reviews and it seems like a happy place hwere kids can practise! I love the dobre brothers, and my step brother who has actually been to there gym on holiday in America loves it!

Review №11

I wish I could come there

Review №12

This place is awsome they love this place its like home to them and i love it too

Review №13

I havent been there but i will one day and have lots of fun,I see how people do gymnastics and they inspired me to learn and become a better version of me ️️

Review №14

Can i call you dobre army

Review №15

This gym was FILTHY. A Dirty bandaid and dirty used tissues on the floor. Early in the morning. Construction and clutter And trash on the floor every. Where. I didn’t want my granddaughter to walk around with no socks on. I went to The manager And he said it just a little dusty. I’m going to report them to the health department. This location is in Gaithersburg MD

Review №16

Hi its althea terrado i love dobre brother sooo muchh and supporting their familys also for their vloging just i want to say iss plss i want to message me plss dm mo in insta i am so thank full and happy if they dm me in insta plss read this i am 3yrs lit fan of dobre brother just i want is follow me back and dm cause i want to have a friends plss dm me plss my name is althea terrado in insta hope i see you soondobre army

Review №17

This is such a great gymnastics academy! Congrats on all of these memories, and I hope the best throughout the journey! Everyone here is so heart-warming and caring! I loved this place so much!

Review №18

It is a fantastic place for childrenAnd I love your channels on YouTube

Review №19

Good place to go

Review №20

A very good place to learn Gymnastic and also teaching very good, with hygienic place, i loved the dobre gymnastic. THANK YOU

Review №21

My daughter has been going to Dobre Gymnastics for about 1 1/2 years and loves every minute of it! The teachers are great and very attentive and the staff is nothing but courteous. I’m so happy we found a gym that my child can learn at her own pace and feel confident that she can succeed!

Review №22

Ive always have dreamed of going there but cant believe they are closing I hope for the best and I always the Dobre brother channel and wish to meet them one day and see them to come to Grand Junction, Colorado and VISIT!!

Review №23

I love the Dobre brothers. Also your gym is very nice. The staff and owner are awesome. It’s a great place to go!! Also Can you please please give me the dobre brothers phone number it would really make my day to talk to them they are so nice! Thanks

Review №24

Hi i is dobre with you

Review №25

Who only looked this up because of the dobre brothers

Review №26

Dobre gymnastics looks like a really fun place .I watch videos on YouTube and it looks really cool and see how the kids enjoy this.Im a huge fan of lucas and Marcus,wish I could meet you one day,Ill be making a channel called mini Marcus love you guys

Review №27

This place is great the staff is soo nice

Review №28

I cant go there but Im sure if I dId it would be lit like dobre

Review №29

I love dobre brothers especially marcus and Darius love u dobre brothers i made subscribe

Review №30

I love you guys and I really miss you guys and my name is Rabi and I am leaving on Pennsylvania and I really love you guys your mom your dad Cyrus and Christina look is Marcus all of you and I love you so much

Review №31

Love your cars and pranks

Review №32

I wish i comes to this place

Review №33

This place sounds and looks awesome from all the videos Lucas and Marcus post! I really want to go to this wonderful place and learn a backflip like the Dobre Brothers! I might come out in the summer time. How often do the twins visit the gym?

Review №34

My daughter has really learned ever since she joined .. thank you very much !!

Review №35

Ive seen pictures and videos and I have neglected to see any kids wanting to quit nor not being able to do any gymnastics skills,I think kids love you guys because you can teach them things and still have fun,with the brothers,with each other,and with you guys.Honestly ilygsm and I think your whole family is great at just about everything️️

Review №36

I love this place because it belongs to the dobre brothers and because they have sweet and loving hearts

Review №37

My little sister has been attending Dobre Gymnastics for 8 months now and she has loved every minute of it! This gym is the best and I couldn’t ask for anything more. She absolutely loves the Dobre brothers as well! Thank you Dobre Gymnastics so much for everything you have done for my little sister!

Review №38

This place sounds amazing I wish I could join I love dobre army

Review №39

Daruis saved my life as well as markitha aka marcus if it wasnt I would not no how to backflip. Thank you dobre fan art slash cyrus dobre.

Review №40

Although I havent being there but all I hv heard is great ly

Review №41

They are a very good fit thing to go to they help you with whatever and there just amazing and may I have your number so I can talk to the dobre brotherse

Review №42

Ots a great place for parties too and it is cool that my kids can met the do re brothers parents and my kids are huge fans when it comes too do re army so you should try it out and my kids met them 6 times they met the dobre brothers 6 times thats what got me in dobre

Review №43

Awesome place! Love how kind you are and. Dobre!

Review №44

Very good very nice people

Review №45

I like the dorbe gym and dorbe brothers I cant meet your guys but it will be my dream to see u cause I live in San Antonio texas I will call u later bye. My dream is to meet your guys I wish so badly bye

Review №46

Best gymnastics gym in the zone. Awesome people and professionals.Edit: so sad it closed down i hope tjis change is for good. All the love

Review №47

My toddler took a 6 week class here and LOVED it. The coach was great. The equipment and bathrooms were very clean. The class we took was not overly expensive.

Review №48

It’s so lit like Dobre

Review №49

I see you video on YouTube I love dobre brother

Review №50

My kids crazy on ur YouTube clips they want to meet u

Review №51

Its a awesome place to go. I wish I can go. God bless ya

Review №52


Review №53

I think the Dobre Gymnastics Academy would be a great place to learn how to do backflips and if Im lucky Ill possibly be able to meet the Dobre Brothers...

Review №54

Hi I absolutely LOVE the fibre brothers I just saw their video when they buy Lucas and Marcus their newest car.Ive seen many videos and pictures of the dobre gymnastics academy and if my life of travelling brings me to Gaithersburg Maryland i will make it a point t to go there no matter what even if Im 67 years old I will visit that gymnastics academy and I will hope and pray that I meet the dobre bros. Oh light bulb maybe Ill have my birthday there I mean I like e I Michigan but still.

Review №55

First, and definitely the last time my daughter will go to Dobre gymnastics. Big disappointment,won’t go in details,will be too long. Found a much, much better gymnastics for my daughter to go to. Thank you, but no thank you Dobre.

Review №56

I never been but I rely want to see Marcus and Lucas I am a huge fan plz subscribe to my channel

Review №57

I would love to go meet you all! It would be a dream come true for me! Lucus and Marcus are the best twins ever! Cyrus is Amazing and Darius has the best Model Face... All you guys are Awesome.. God Bless your family!! Thank you so much!

Review №58

I really want to go to have an pro to teach me things that they know and really want to meet Dobre Brothers and if the owner gets this can you give my number to the Dobre Brothers just text me and i will give it to you.

Review №59

My daughter has fallen in love with gymnastics over the past year and a halfAt first she was unsure of her abilities,but with gentle but firm teaching staff she has pushed herself beyond what she thought she could do and advanced to the next level.She has gained great strength and more confidence.The staff has been extremely accommodating when we have had to make up sessions due to illness our travel plans.This summer if we nee to be gone,we can utilize their summer camp program to continue her gym skills.We can do 1 four week session at a time,with no pressure to sign any year long contract,that alone has given us the freedom to make decisions for our daughter without feeling like we are stuck in a commitment.The gym is clean,the staff is professional,friendly, and sensitive to the strengths and weaknesses of each child.Thank you Dobre

Review №60

The best place ever. i love all the dobre brothers the same. i wish i can come see ya. love ya God bless ya

Review №61

My four-year old son has had a great experience at Dobre. The staff are very kind and the coaches have been attentive and patient.

Review №62

The best place for gymnastics

Review №63


Review №64

Never been but I have seen it through musically and YouTube videos. Very nice place

Review №65

I loved this place because of dobre twins which are Marcus and Lucas, l love them so much because of there lovable attitude and also because of there family as wellI admire them all! I know them coz of there blogs i will support them alwaysVisit there blogs @youtube and dont forget to subscribe and press the notification bell so that you are updated in there next blog.Search: Marcus and LucasSearch: Dobre brothers

Review №66

This gym looks very amazing I would like to go someday, ️️

Review №67

The gym looks awesome the people are having fun and cooperative

Review №68

I won’t to go there but i can’t cose I am at Salinas and the only dream is to know the dobre brothers and Ivón and Christina as while

Review №69

It’s awesome because Dobre brothers own it

Review №70

I love this place and I love the dobre brothers but the thing is I live in scotland the next time you guys go on tour please go to scotland love u lucas marcus daurius and Cyrus

Review №71

I Love the Dorbe Brothers

Review №72

Best place ever

Review №73

Even though I`ve never come here before, I`m a big fan of your sons Lucas and Marcus! I watched the video of you teaching Lucas and Marcus how to do gymnastics and it was so funny! Love you Aurelia!

Review №74

Just love the Dobre family

Review №75

I Love Lucas and Marcus With All My Heart and I Will Surprise Them in The Future..... Trust Me (Ill Be The Surprised One) I Love Them So Much!!!!

Review №76

I love your videos and you l wish I had your number l like all of your cars and i know all the dobre brothers name

Review №77

Well, I havent been to Dobre Gtmnastics Academy, but I hope to meet you guys one day; Lucas; Marcus; Darius; Cyrus and the rest of your family. I live in the borders of Brampton and Caledon, which is less likely to meet you guys. But I will one day meet you guys when I get older, because to me, you all are true role models who encourage people to act smart, loving for others, and appreciate for things. I will always be your biggest fans. Love you! ️ Oh, and from the videos Ive seen, you guys show so much respect for customers needs. You guys are the most valuable and kindest person Ive met on YouTube. Hope you guys continue to succeed with your effort.

Review №78

Good work you guys

Review №79

I havent seen it personally but I have seen it through YouTube and it looks very cool and really fun to be in.

Review №80

I love you guys so mutch

Review №81

I would love to go but can’t live 25 hours away but I know it’s a good place

Review №82

I really like the Family About, one day I would like to go to and meet you, If it were possible ... When I grow up and be older my desire is to go to Maryland USA :) I will look for many for you, I hope one day to be your friend .Im Portuguese but since Ive seen the Lucas And Marcus Channel Im loving English more and moreI Love You Twins

Review №83

I wish I could go, I really want to do gymnastics as a hobby that place is awesome and so creative I really do want to go but I live in New York .maybe if I move there I would definently go.

Review №84

I have not been here but by just looking at the pictures and videos I can tell that it’s a very good gymnastics gym and also I am a fan hi arilliua

Review №85

Your place is nice and i love your family....... Your Family is a great gymnast..... many people are inspired to join.... I love Dobre Family.....

Review №86

I love you aliot

Review №87

I didnt went to that gym but i know its amazing just like you guys are from the dad till murcus meeting you guys will be like a dream come true.Love you guys .siham

Review №88

Hi! I didnt went to this gym but I know that is the best! I know this gym by Marcus and Lucas ! I have a question, its almost the birthday of the twins and I want too send them a letter and a gift. With witch adress do I can send it ? Thanks you!

Review №89

I love this place because it is a pretty gymnastics place and I do gymnastics

Review №90

Hi just leaving this review because I was really impressed with the staff and gym! God bless you staff and owners and thx for a great time!!

Review №91

I wish I could give these idiots 0 stars. This place is trash. First of all, the owner has cameras throughout the gym, and watches from home which is really creepy. Second of all, one of the instructors told my son to get the f**k off one of the pieces of equipment while he was watching his sister in a class. My son came crying to me. Her behavior was atrocious. I talked to the instructor and she told me that the owner was watching from home, and he told her to say that. I tried getting the instructor to call the owner, but she was very rude and would not give me his number. He threatened to call the police if we did not get out of there. Would definitely not come back again. Please spread this review to anyone planning on coming here. I dont want this to happen to anyone else and to their kids. This academy just lost us, and if it continues to act this way, it will loose many more customers in the future.

Review №92

Im excited to come over and visit the gym one day with my twin Nafeesa. We love the Dobre family!!! lots of love xx

Review №93

It a nice place to visit

Review №94

I would love to go and I will also like to meet the dobre brothers irl. I also love dobre brothers videos I also love the dobre gymnastics place and where its located.

Review №95

I love the Dobre Brothers

Review №96

You have very cool gymnastics, amazing wow and also you are most experienced gymnast ️

Review №97

I love watching Lucas and Marcus on YouTube their family seem so nice and the gym looks fantastic I live 20 hours away but it seems like a good place to do gymnastics My dad said we might move over there

Review №98

I think that the gym looks great for a lot of reasons one is because its the Dobre gym and anything to do with Dobre is great. Also watching some of Lucass and Marcuss videos it looks very fun and enjoyable but i have never been and really want to go. Also Aurelia is a olympic champion so i think she knows watch she is doing. P.S Aurelia my Birthday is the 16th of November!

Review №99

I loved it because the Dobre always go there its fun it amazing and it gives you an experience to see what it feels like to actually see what fun is all I know is Im going there on my birthday so I hope and pray that the Dobre brothers are there because if they are Im taking pictures with them.

Review №100

Such a nice teacher

27 Photos
4.8 Rating
  • Address:9168 Gaither Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, United States
  • Phone:+1 240-428-1031
  • Gymnastics center
  • Children's party service
  • Gymnastics club
  • Preschool
  • Recreation center
Working hours
  • Monday:1:30–2:30pm
  • Tuesday:1:30–2:30pm
  • Wednesday:1:30–2:30pm
  • Thursday:1:30–2:30pm
  • Friday:1:30–2:30pm
  • Saturday:1:30–2:30pm
  • Sunday:1:30–2:30pm
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
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