Good fun for kids that are 11 and up. Let your kids have a little slack on there leash and drop them off instead of hovering over them its embarrassing and they will not learn how to handle the real world if u keep them in a fricken impenetrable bubble of smothering parents insecurities
This skate park is usually not very busy and its surprisingly clean, although I really expected to see more graffiti. My son is getting to be the age where he is taking interest in skating and stunts. Ill feel comfortable letting him hang out with his friends here when he is a bit older. Its close to his elementary school and there are surveillance cameras all over which is a good thing if youre a parent but not so good for taggers.
This is mainly a street park. Real hi rails if your trying to get onto a actual hand rail this is a perfect place to learn.
Its pretty tame in terms of features, great for the experienced aswell as newcomers
Decent street park. Nothing special.
★Such a joy for the girls and boys and they love it sOoOo much! Very high tech! I never had parks like this but I would have loved to tide my skateboard here when I was a kid. But alas, I am grown up now and not quite to brave and besides, I lost my skateboard in San Francisco,. California!
Recent violence problems there. But park itaelf is a big hit with my sons.
I love this place you meet some good skaters and is wicked fun
My boy really likes it here, its quite and away from weirdos
Its okay