I went here and speaking from experience I am proud to be a dragon and be apart of A.S.B. Especially how much Del Dios has grown especially with boosting the environment and the teachers. Teachers here have great energy that makes you feel happy and have fun learning. Even if I had a bad day I would still go to school because I loved the it there. I want to give special thanks to Mr.Jaquess, Mrs.Garcia, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. Chen, Mr. DeNeve, Mrs.Horton, Mr. Reed, Mrs. Eldrige, Mr.Velasco, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Candelore, Mrs. Fierro, Mrs. Campos, Mr. Carlon and Mr.Ngo. Its truly the only middle school I would ever want to go to again and relive it.
The school staff is super supportive and they are attentive with students. My son is in 7th, going to the 8th. He loves it here. Of course you get your wanna be tough ones but as long as you teach your kids to be proud of who they are and to ignore the bad comments, theyll do just fine. All schools have bullying unfortunately, its up to the parent how they deal with it. Teach your kids to be tough and not take no s***. To stand up for themselves. But all around I love this school. First and only middle school my son has been to.
This is the best school I am a student my math teacher mr jaquess isThe best he lets you retake math test and one day there was a new student and the next day the girl had a group of friends the counseling is great all my teachers are great. I saw a comment about mrs magliarg IWrote it wrong I aHave a b in here class sure we have some students that behave bad but when I comes to homework you just have to turn it in the day it’s due but sometimes she gives you more time. All my teachers are the best and at the end of every trimester we do something fun like a dance and ice skating I think I am Going to have great time at this school. I recommend this school
Great place!
Great curriculum. Wide variety of learning opportunities.
This school SEEMS good. Some of the teachers are great. But when my sister was bullied, impersonated, humiliated and much more. What did they do? Nothing. I get people get bullied at every school but what happened to my sister was much worse! If you have seen the movie cyberbully, it will give you an idea. Thank GOD my sister has me, I kept an eye on her and supported while our Mom was at work. But for this school, the students who bullied my sister said the school is a joke and it is!
I went to this school last years and it was great! The teachers were nice and everything was good. Of course however there is a lot of bullying in the school but not everyone is like that. Just need to find the right friend to hang out with and BOOM, you have a great time for the rest of the year.( Mrs.Dunuway is doing this Sphero after school thing if anybody wants to join that. It’s pretty fun)
Honestly this is the Worst school ever...My daughter has been doing her home work and her Teacher still doesnt care, she gave my daughter an F my daughter gave her the same homework 3 times already because her Teacher supposedly lost the homework her name is Diana Magliari by the way.. Shes very Rude and Disrespectful...this teachers dont care about there students at all..I believe non of Del Dios teachers do!! If this behavior continues I will go to the next step with more proof!!
Very nice school fun elections nice teachers it has. Snow cones and yogurt and pop corn
This school, is awesome Go Dragons
A lot of people have things to say about their experience at Del Dios. Of course, thats their opinions. Personally, I had an amazing time at this school but of course, Ive had my fair shares of rocky moments. The teachers are amazing, excluding a few that I wont name who are a bit on the strict side, and they care for a majority of the students. They try their best but some students can be stubborn and they cant change that. The students, well, you have your fair share of great amazing students and your fair share of slackers, as most schools. Of course, you cant expect the schools to be perfect, so you have your fair share of cussing, ditching and so on. It all depends on the group of people you choose to hang out with, and that of course is the students choice. As for enforcement of rules, you cant expect all the teachers to be dress coding every student not wearing appropriate clothing. The teachers are fairly lenient towards dress coding, well most, I wont name the few that dress code everyone. There was about a year while I was attending where cellphones were banned, upsetting the students of course, but the ban itself was caused by students, which means they really dont have no right to complain. Of course, Im not saying all students, but quite a few who ruin it for everyone else. Fights, caused by students, were proven to be filmed on cellphones, by students, which then caused the staff to enforce the no cellphone rule. This affected all students, including those who didnt do anything wrong, which I believe is a bit unfair but what can you do? As for the experience overall, I have noticed that your experience all depends on what you do with it. Students; dont be a pessimist and complain about every mistake. Rather, enjoy the little good things such as hanging out with friends right before class.Parents; well, let your student experience it for themselves and dont get too hung up over grades and attitude. Theyre still trying to find themselves, so let explore.
Amazing school! Great teachers that prepared you for what lay ahead. If someone got kicked out then there was a real good reason. Says a lot about someone on how they lash out to others.
Pretty good school
A very bad middleschool. The special ed class here literally had a small storage room they called the quiet room where they would lock us in, and there were many bad and controversial things going on in that classroom. Most of the other special ed students in that classroom were extremely violent, and I was frequently getting bullied by several students whenever I walked around campus. The school was filled with bullies and mean teachers, and I was left traumatized by a lot of the terrible physical and verbal abuse that I endured at this very bad school.
I went to del dios last year
Del Dios is the best middle school ever the teachers care about our learning and want us to be successful in life itself.
A awful school that the staff doesnt even care about the learning of the students education. They do not even have good supervisors that make sure that the students during their lunch or nutrition which is called recess, behaving well but no the noon supervisors dont even care if the students eat,bring or even bring drugs which an eighth grader was caught smoking in the restroom.Some of the P.E teachers are strict. If you are planning on going to Del Dios no pick another middle school like Bear Valley or Misson Middle but not that one because if experienced that school when I first went ti 6th grade but my parents transfered me to Wilson Middle School in San Diego which the schools of San Diego are much better in many things than other school in the San Diego county.A very awful middle school
Mr. Ngo is the worst and this school tries to act nice for the parents when its just the kids the teachers usually call us trash
This place had many nice sites to see
I ask why these call Academy there so many fights every week i have a daughter who came home every one a week talk me why the have a principal with not so much experience there so many problems at these school i ask the district why the principal do not care about the students i am for sure these her last year and i hope the ones has children on these school keep on eye all times these school dosent care abouth the studensespero que las personas que tienen hijos aqui en esta escuela les pongan atension ai pasan muchas peleas cada semana y mi hija dise que no les inporta el principal el otrodia les estaba gritando y le dije que no queria oyerlo asiendo eso a nuestros hijos si tienen hijos platiquen con ellos y si nosela rrecomiendo tiene un principal que no les inporta si ban bien o mal
The schools teachers are really nice and the campus is super beautiful.
Teachers r kinda mean
Best alternative class room teachers Ive ever seen!! They care about their students.
Ayy lmao I went like 4 years ago and my fav. memory was when my friend broke so kids nose in a fight
This school is terrible. I know bullying is rampant and every school has to deal with it, but this school does nothing!!! The teachers and principles wont even talk to the parents about it. Even when it escalates to daily beatings, hospital trips and police involvement, there is no goal of resolution at all. A very frustrating experience!
Its cool
Good school
10/10 would open a cold one with the boys again
I am going there
The Teachers are bad over there one of them hesitated to help a student.Also the rules in the school are also bad like taking away the phones for the whole school year mostly all students are still using their phones because they hated that rule so much that they still use their phones.