Very nice and well-kept community its a lovely place to live as long as you have no problem with mining to yourself because all the other people all the other resonance I apologize walk around with their noses up in the air as if they were better than somebody new that just moves in.
5/12/19 Around 5:40License Plate: DYU M07Driving into Deer Creek, a large service vehicle began honking at me out of control (the neighborhood has a speed limit). When I didn’t speed up, the person (older man, gray hair, slender) violently threw his car onto the shoulder and off the road to try to curve all the lanes, nearly crashed into my vehicle & swerved along the road attempting to speed off after he had made it back. The neighborhood is a loop so I was still behind him as I drove to my house & saw he turned into Villa D’Este. I asked their security officer (John) who the person was and he asked why — when I explained what the service vehicle did, he replied the person could do whatever they wanted since they were granted access in the neighborhood & I wasn’t.I informed him that I do live in this community (Deer Creek) and I’m justified to be concerned when a truck almost rams my car coming into where I live, especially a service vehicle. He was very mad that I raised the concern to him — saying his job is to let residents in and out & not to address safety concerns of non-residents (though I live in the neighborhood). I explained that I was confused as to why he was angry that I was raising a security concern instead of simply just listening & letting the interaction finish but his temper unraveled more once I suggested he was overreacting & being somewhat immature about the whole thing...There seems to be a poor culture of safety etiquette at Villa D’Este compared to the other neighborhoods in Deer Creek. I wouldn’t go out of my way had it been some random civilian, but a service vehicle that large can seriously do some damage. The next time I see the vehicle I am calling the police because it’s enormous & what I saw it do on the road was nuts! And the guard should have at least taken the license plate (if not to be polite) instead of justifying the crazy driver’s behavior
Bland and uniform. Its a secure community, and the servicemen and women are friendly. The neighborhoods overall appearance is bland.
Nice people