Awesome group Awesome events
Proud to be a member of DSC and their conservation efforts.
Absolutely love the convention. A great place to learn about conservation and meet new friends. And for all you haters out there, quit degenerating this business just cause you dont like what they do. I hunt for meat and hunting is a good way to teach your kids and grandkids responsibility and enjoying the beautiful outdoors that God provided to us. So all you haters need to go find something useful to do with your lives instead of being on here.
Great company to network with.
(Wonderful.) I am so proud to be part of an organization that insures the survival of wildlife.Eliminating hunting will only eliminate wildlife. Animals would only be in the way of progress ifthey have no monetary value. Hunting gives them value.
Had a wonderful time. This is a great event with plenty of opportunity to meet and greet many leaders in the firearms industry. The American Custom Gunmakers Guild has a section set aside where they display high grade custom guns, made by the best gunmakers in America.There is much to see, even if big game hunting isnt one of your interests. There are amazing collections of rare and desirable firearms, representatives from many firearms manufacturers, accessories, hunting equipment, hunting related accessories and other things Im probably forgetting.
Fun time, hope they improve the hunting auction items from whats listed so far.
All the negative reviews are simply the anti-haters that 1. Need something to take up their time because they have nothing better to do. Too much time on their hands 2. Do not have a clue. Not one of them has contributed one $ to conservation nor one hour to anything constructive but to just hate something they NOTHING about. They just want to have something to whine about.
Convention is fantastic. Take it in.For you mindless critics, people have been predators for a long, long time. It is natural, and not going away. Get used to it.
Making a difference for hunting and conservation! Great place to make new friends!
One of the true and great wildlife conservation organizations!Proud to be a life member!!
All the protesters here need to get a life. Its not in your place to intentionally defame a business just bc you disagree with what they do.
HMC Chief .... Coward! Your comments are in vain! Until you reveal your identity, none of your unreasonable, barbaric, commentary could possibly be taken seriously!
Went last year for the first time. It was great, hope to go again this year.
So proud of Dallas SCI for the Great work they do.
Good time
We will quit hunting when you ladies all quit breeding. Only then will the wildlife have a chance.
Great Club and Great People.
The most misunderstood thing in the world is if it was not for hunters their would not be any animals 95 percent are conservationist to provide for our future and kids and grandkids I wish everyone could experience Africa for a month and learn the Natives believes and the poachers killing all the animals and how they turn beautiful land to a desert