The Cincinnati Bengals gave fans a great experience for heading back to their first game during the pandemic. The stadium felt clean and they made it so you couldnt sit in the wrong seat. Mobile food ordering was available but the lines for concessions wasnt bad at all. The overall experience was great except for it turned cold and rainy at half-time after being sunny and warm the first half but thats Ohio for you.
Stadium is laid out for fans comfort, easy access and plenty of places for good and drink. of course the Bengals are an exciting team this year, in transition
Experience, great, offense did well. Defense in the second half disappeared today. I love my Bengals though
Ohio is always a great place to visit. Tired of the stupid mask mandate though
My son in law live in Lowell Massachusetts and finally made it the favorite team
Nice amenities, friendly staffers.
The bengals are fun to watch. I wish they were better but have a great city and a great stadium. If they can get some better players I think they can start to win.
A great time as always. My only disappointment was them refusing to allow my fanny pack in. It belonged to my Dad who got our family involved. I wore it in his honor.
The Bengals can hardly win a game but the organization does a great job making the games a great event to attend.Only compliant is issues with getting in the gate with valid tickets...pretty frustrating.
49ers best them at home field, sorry.. Stadium was very night and easy access to food and restrooms
I’ve been a bengals fan for most of my life. Even though they can barely win any games, they’re still a good team!
Found a $20 bill on the ground, watched some little girl lose her mind over some strange old man putting his hands on her. Watched the girls mom encourage extra dramatic behavior by exhibiting this behavior herself. The girls dad was the superstar in all the players of this obnoxious scene, he kept his cool. The best flag football event ever even though the person I went to see, their team lost.
Love the bengals hope they pick chase young first overall if he enters the draft
Well...the absolute best thing I liked about this place was sitting with other Louisville and Baltimore fans and watching the Ravens beat the snot out of the Bengals. But thats just me.
Dear Bungles. Never give up. Never stop beleaving.
The Bengals lost to the 49ers. I couldnt have asked for a better game. The stadium and fans were great. Concessions are conveniently located the washrooms were surprisingly clean.
Always a great time, despite the record. Theres always next season. WHO DEY!!!
No football today but its a beautiful place!
The stadium has that minor league ballpark feel.
Great stadium but owners are too cheap to get more talent.
Joke, laughing stock of the NFL, owner only cares about money (his). Im a soon to be x season ticket holder .
Nice place to eat and drink.nice people too
Who Dey
The team celebrates mediocrity. Because great is difficult, ownership lets good enough suffice out of fear.Worse, the game experience is boring and only drives home the feeling of an all-encompassing mediocrity. It’s quiet, the stadium feels like a neutral site (literally nothing is orange or black) and the upper bowl is primarily visiting fans.Yet, I’ll be back next season, hoping on hope that our 8-8 destiny changes to a 9-7 squeak in to the playoffs with a few lucky bounces. I mean, the central limit theorem would suggest Marvin can’t go 0-8 in playoff games, right?!?
Lets face it, weve had a lot of rough seasons but we still come here game after game, and year after year. So Id say this place deserves a 5 star rating. We are loyal to our home teams, win or lose. Even though its usually lose more than win, but we dont care cause its our team. So with that said can I get a WHO DEY!!!!
Your team has a solid chance of being 50-50 in the section. No issues with stadium or bearing areas.
10/14/2018 • My 4th Game @ This Stadium & My 1st Shitzburgh Squealer Game Ever!! My Favorite & Home Town, Teams Home Facilty!!I Absolutely ♡♡♡ PβS !! Its Opeη-Aired Iη A Cold Weather, River City, So Its Usually Extremely Windy & Notoriously Cold iη the Seasons 2ηd ½ of Our Games but Still Very Cozy too!! & EveηTho it Has Every Modern Ammeηity Possible & Great Food Overall (Iηcludiηg Every Ciηciηηati Origiηαl > Skyliηe, Graeters, Gold☆Chili, Grippos, Queeη City Metts, Hudephol,, & More) Yet Still Simple & Very Casual Feeling !! & Also, Haviηg Explored Almost Every Part of The Seatiηg Areas, I Caη Hoηestly Say That PβS Has Almost No Bad Seats (@ least for Games)For Me, Its Everythiηg That A Faη of the Home Club Could Ask for (Fan there for AηyThing, fr,,) w A Great Feel to It & Aη Absolute Perfect Location (Ohio River/Dwηtwη Ciηcy) Its Aη AweSome & Totally Perfect, Place to Cheer Oη Our βεηgals!!
Mike Brown is a joke, and has done nothing but tarnish the legacy of his Father Paul. I have been a Bengals fan as far back as I can remember, a little over 35 years, and ever since Mike Brown has taken over the reigns, the Bengals have been the laughing stock of the NFL. Cincinnati deserves better than what Mike Brown has done. I mean the year in and year out records speak for themselves. I dont even want to get started on the coaching staff. It probably wont be any better once his kids take over. Im disgusted, and will not step in that stadium again until things change.
They are just terrible. This was the last penny the brown family will get from me.
Love visiting Cincinnati. Great people and so much to see.
This is probably the one of the best pics Ive captured. I left the image original however a cropped copy is amazing.
The Cincinnati Bengals are a total embarrassment to this entire region. Everyone should stop buying their tickets and products until the ownership starts feeling it in their pocketbooks. Guess what? It wasnt Carson Palmers fault, its not Marvin Lewiss fault....hmmm what do the last 20 years all have in common???
I love them, even though they usually suck.
Working on installing new speakers
Always love goin there
The Bungals
Owner is out of touch and a disgrace to his fathers legacy.
The food and drink prices are a crime, but the games are a very good time. The parking is overpriced, so park in a garage in the city and take the Connector to the Banks. The stadium employees are kind, but the security is kind of a joke. There are huge holes in their security coverage.
I love The Bengals and the fans
Fun times @ the game!
Good stadium.
Im not a fan of this team! They are looking good this year!! I hope the Steelers can go there and get a win on the road....
Been a Bengals fan from Canada for over 30 years. So glad this season is done and cant wait to see new coaching staff and new future!! Love Marvin but time for some change.
Awsome had a blast
Great place had fun
Stadium was great as the food and people serving the food. No complaints.
Had a great time
This stadium is so OUTDATED
Again I did not say game there just sent it from the outside and tour the inside but again I cant wait to see even though Cincinnati really
Awesome pro shop...too bad the NFL makes things to expensive for the common fan
For Bengal fans its dead.
Nice place horrible fans
Who Dey!
Awesome place my grandkids and I had a blast here
Cant see wasting another red cent on the Bengals or NFL. My days off Sunday afternoons are too valuable to watch mediocre coaching and playing and who knows what political protest Ill have to endure.NFL = No Fans Left
I will never see this place and not think of the great men and women of Ironworkers Local 44. As well as most of all the best man who ever lived Carl Raymond Ceo jr. My big brother. This shows you that my family is as much a part of this country and greater Cincinnati area and Heritage as anybody in the United States and when you talk about foreigners and immigrants you talk about me and my family and you disgrace us and you disgrace the people who built this great country so you do not know what you speak of when you talk the way you speak, the Discrimination that separates this country and the men who use it like Trump is the saddest thing that I havent seen as human.
Who dey
Saw that winnn!
Cincinnati bengals ...
Food and atmosphere great, to bad the dolphins didnt win
Fun experience for the family
Great stadium
Great atmosphere
Wonderful venue
Go Bengals!
AWSOME and a grate please to go and see the bengals and see them win.
Rather expensive.
Enjoyed time with family
Excellent place, excellent team
Who Dey ! Who Dey !
Awesome stadium, amazing fans, fun for all!
Got beat by my Denver Broncos.
Nice stadium in a good location.
If you are a Bengals fan attend these family days.
Who dey....need a new owner!!!!
Best team
Who Dey all day
I feel like Ill be eternally let down by the Bengals, but I cant stop supporting them.
Nice facility
Not a Bengal fan, but I will root for them when I can.
Next year!
I wish theyd win more, but Ill always be a fan. I love watching them from anywhere!
Love the Cincinnati Bengals!
Who dey
Great time
Parking is terrible
Love seeing the Bengals
Fire the coach already.