Amazing pLace (if youve never been before -its DEF a MUST CHECK IT OUT type of pLace! def a hidden gem of this town, esp for waLking your dog(s) or just on your OWN waLk! CaLm Serene CLEAN, weLL manitianed, &even started as a wicked sm COMMUNITY GARDEN few yrs back, its grown IMMENSELY!!! ALso great PLAYGROUND 4KIDS kf most ages/order ones can walk on paths they a) lead around insame direction basicaLLy!SANDBOXES LOTS OF DO3FF BENCHES 2sir take a rest on, w/fam/friends/ut dog(s)! LoL AND ITS SOOO EASILY LOCATED! *directLy frm the waLL on pLesant street, where ya normally see ppL fishin!*-LOVE the outdoors!?! Come 2the red OLD cooL chiLL TiLden House, puLL in the LAST prkn Lot on LEFT side (if coming frm washington st.!)right b4 ya see the wall where every1s aLways fishin+ Lovers of traiLs nature naimaLs&&wildlife***PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHY LOVERS BRING PLENTY OF DIFF CAMERAS/LENSES WHATEVER!~MoSt of aLL: have FUN!!~