Ursula Smith has been in our familys lives since our now 12 year first danced with her 5 years ago. Two years ago our 7 year old tapped into the world of dance and we couldnt have been more pleased with reconnecting with Ursula Smith Dance Academy!! Ursula IS dance! Ursula IS professional! Ursula IS a pioneer! She doesnt take no for an answer...(she will find another way to do what needs to be done). Qualities that she demonstrates and leads by example for her students are: discipline, determination, focus, innovation, creativity, drive and passion. As a dance instructor/choreographer and entrepreneur, these qualities are NECESSARY to have for being that beacon in our community and we are blessed. REPRESENTATION MATTERS and having this dynamic woman at the helm of our dance community representing the fighters, the civil rights activists, the protesters in the heart of Birmingham is EPIC!! Oh, yeah Brown Sugar Nutcracker...yeah that was an Ursula Smith Production. So, if you have a child or know a child who is interested in dance...or if you yourself want to dance, I highly recommend you enroll and get ready to MOVE and SHAKE your body!
Ursula is truly an inspiration! She is an outstanding teacher capable of teaching all skill levels. She sets a high standard and will be there with each student as they reach their highest potential. This woman is a trailblazer and wants to bring elite dance education to Birmingham. If you or a child you know wants to expand their knowledge of multiple dance genres/techniques this is the best place to go.
Ursula Smith a True Visionary born for such a time as This to Nuture, Inspire, Love and teach children through Dance!
This is an absolutely great place for both kids and adults!!