Welcoming and accessable space. A little on the smaller side, but as exhibits are free and wide-ranging its still worth a visit. A little distant from parking and buses.
Rotating every quarter the Western Gallery invites a fantastic selection of artists into a space that remains accessible to students year-round. The works are often compelling and encourage thoughtful discourse and reflection. Occasionally Ive felt as though some of the work included is somewhat of a space filler, but for the most part the works are high quality and worth a visit.Photo from Finnbogi Petursson’s Infra Supra showcase.
The Western Washington University Gallery is pretty great since to my knowledge it is free and open to the public. They have artists showcased year long as well as showing student and professor work. If youre interested in the gallery Id suggest going to the WWU art departments web page or calling the school directly to find out more, especially what their schedule is for the year.
You are seeing incredible bodies of work for free whats not to love?
Carefully curated, with new art each month. Likely local artists as well as student works.
Great art every now and again ;)
Amazing spot with beautiful art work displayed
Really appreciate how the WWU Art department exhibits student work as well as interesting art from the alumni, people in the Bellingham community, and more!
Cutting edge art skillfully curated, always engaging.
Nice rotating shows. Small, but nice.
Great place