Wonderful volunteers, ever-changing exhibits, small space of a large building currently in use but personally hope to help expand that and draw in more of the local crowd to see what they offer. This month was a Rin Tin-Tin display, we were actually allowed to touch an article and talked with the volunteers at length. Lovely people. Cute locally oriented knickknacks and pretty paintings make up the gift store.
Often donate sports memorabilia to the museum. This time high school basketball and football records from starts to 1986 for Battle Creek Central, Harper Creek, Lakeview, Penfield, Springfield and St. Philip.
Super interesting. Rin Tin Tin exhibit was amazing. Wish peeps would get in on the expansion efforts. The city of Battle Creek really needs to get behind this place.
The staff here is very dedicated. If you love history, Especially local history. You will find something at the Battle Creek Regional History Museum. .
Great place to bring the kids. People are nice there they have a wonderful exhibits showcase battle creeks history. There also working on increasing there exhibit space so more interesting stuff is on its way.
Love it... Great Rin Tin Tin display going on... Very informative!
I attended an awesome discussion about The Bottoms and Harmonia, two long gone but not forgotten neighborhoods in Battle Creek MI
Am working on a Steve Evans exhibit for them so did not tour. Next time. Mary Evans
A local treasure which will only get better.
Tiny collections that need additional funding for their work to preserve our local history. Lots of stuff on the cereal industry and Kelloggs but would like more on the social history of BC. Worthy of the visit though and leave a donation to help build the museum. Free admission so the donations help!
Quaint little museum.Some very nice pieces in a small exhibit space that changes the exhibit every so often.Free entry. Gift shop.Kind folks working.
I had same negative response as “Wendy” - another person tried to begin a thread of this group’s Facebook Page about Eaton and Clark back in the days when they employed many, many Battle Creek people although they were actually in “Springfield”. I commented I’d worked both places and retired from Eaton recently. An administrator commented the thread would be redundant and in fact wrote “this admin is deleting this post” andWhen I protested, he/she BLOCKED me from the page entirely? Roth Music-Foeller I believe was the admin. I’m70, we born and raised and stayed in BC area my entire life! I’mStill Blocked. The nerve!!!! GeorgiaMihalakis Boyce. I’mCopying this so if she deletes it, I willRe-post.
A recent Facebook aritcle was shared by this businesses Facebook page. A few people from the community commented && shared their opinions on it. Whoever runs the Battle Creek History Museum Facebook page, is rude, degrading, distasteful, and all around unprofessional. Back lashing on those who commented calling them stupid liars hypocrites get your facts straight....go ahead && delete the post, I saved all the screen shots.
Funny little museum about BC
Very informative