I transferred to the GSU Toastmaster Club from another Baton Rouge area Toastmasters Club. I look forward to each meeting and I have never regretted the time I spend in the club settings. Each meeting I come away with more knowledge and understanding about public speaking. It is a never-ending journey of learning and bettering ones self. I love my GSU Toastmasters family. The thing that is amazing about Toastmasters is that there are two tracks, one that teaches you to become a better speaker. The other track, which is less popular but as important is the leadership track. This track teaches leaders to be more
Toastmasters is a great organization and GSU is a club that exemplifies everything a toastmasters club should be. I moved to Baton Rouge and knew no one, the group is friendly and welcoming. The meetings are as much entertainment as they are growth opportunities. If you want to grow as a speaker and a leader attend one meeting and you will see this is the place to achieve your goals.
Best Toastmasters club in Baton Rouge. Very supportive. I have been attending meetings for about 6 months now. At first I just showed up to the meetings as a guest (unannounced) and watched the members speak. As I became more comfortable I participated more and more. There is no pressure and you can progress at your own pace. Baton Rouge Toastmasters rocks!
I came for a visit over a year ago and knew instantly this was the right group to give me what I needed. I joined as a member and my speaking skills went through the roof. Ive never seen a club that made it absolutely impossible to fail. No matter how well I performed, I always received positive feedback during my evaluations. I ofter wondered what speech must they have been listening to because I thought I did terrible, but they would always find the good in it. That encouragement helped me stick with it to the point where I was satisfied, and that was only the beginning. I couldnt have predicted how much my confidence has been boosted by the program. I am no longer afraid to speak up in corporate meetings or in front of large groups and let my voice be heard. I so look forward to every Monday night knowing Im going to have a good time and learn something profound about how to communicate more effectively and powerfully. This Baton Rouge Toastmasters Group is at the top of their game.
I am a new member at Toastmasters in Baton Rouge. I have joined to improve my speaking skills. People are very supportive and provide interesting feedback.