I enjoy going here for outdoor gear. Quality gear. Prices are not to bad. Worth paying the tiny bit more to support them and get the gear right away. Staff has always been helpful if you ask them a question but dont bug you if you just want to browse and see what they got. Inventory is getting low, assuming because of covid, but still worth checking out.
This store is hidden treasure. I have lived in Ames for more than 10 years and it was first time to step into the store after knowing they sponsored the climbing competition at ISU. Found two fabulous climbing shoes for my 7 years old and my 4 years old. The person who helped me was very knowledgeable and very patient. The price is very competitive. I would highly recommend this store to everyone in town. Great selection and great service!!!!!! We need to support this fabulous local store. Told my husband that I am going to buy stuff from here from now on for my outdoor and climbing needs!!!!
Ive bought maybe 2 guns from here and maybe some other odds and ends (MREs, clothes etc). Staff is usually pretty nice. Ive never had an isshe
Terrific outdoor gear store. Staffed by experts, who truly know the products they sell. Great selection and prices - they are even competitive with online retailers and they offer price matching.
Fantastic store! Super friendly staff
This place is really just a hidden gem! Its army surplus and all the outdoor hobbies you cab think about! The staff was pretty cool too!
Never have had a bad experience there. They have a great management team that seems to be on-site and in the details.
Jax is the Best! Great people and great products!
I love this bait shop and I dont even fish every day !
Very helpful associate!!! Every time we have gone there he has been absolutely amazing!!! I believe his name is Max. Shout out to some pretty great people there!!!!! Thank you!!!!
They have so many outdoor related things there! Prices seem reasonable and the workers were friendly and approachable. Good work, Jax!
I always find what I need for camping and fishing and hiking at Jax. And they have good advice when I have questions because the staff like camping and fishing and hiking even more than me.
Very helpful people. Great place
Good people, great products, fair prices.
Cool store, friendly folks, the things we looked at were priced reasonably. Large variety.
Very friendly and helpful staff.
Great staff and the employees are really nice very polite and well mannered
Great selection of quality hunting, fishing, and camping gear. Love the clothing store, my go to place for quality shoes. Hint - check out the clearance racks.
This place should be first on your list for outdoor supplies. The staff is helpful and you are supporting a local business which always seems to have what I need in stock.
Great variety of outdoor gear! From cooking to hiking to even paint ball they have it all!
The young man Jack was very helpful and knowledgeable. He helped me decide which pickleball paddle to buy!
Nice staff, awesome items ... really really like this shop but please put a mask ON and ask your customers to try to do the same ... take care guys
Awesome place! Staff was friendly and extremely helpful dispite being busy.
Good equipment and nice staff
Excellent selection of all sorts of outdoor equipment! Helpful staff too!
Never going to shop at any of the stores, I will shop somewhere else. I shop at leo suppor
Cool stuff but expensive and the customer service is not good.
Good selection of quality equipment, and the staff ia always friendly and eager to help.
Outdoor Outfitter and then some!JAX has everything any outdoor adventurer could need, and something for everyone else too.Clothes, shoes, boots, camping and hunting supplies of every kind and variety.
First time shopping at this store a week ago when I was coming though the area. Really well setup, friendly employees and a really nice selection.
Love the store. Wish I had more money. Good quality and selection. The staff was very helpful.
This is a great place to purchase hunting equipment. The staff overall is very knowledgeable and friendly.
JAX has so much cool stuff! They have a great selection and prices seem pretty competitive. We arent big outdoors people, but weve managed to find what weve needed nearly every time we go there.the staff are very friendly and helpful, and have offered to order something for me if we couldnt find it.
Awesome place, great staff.
Wonderful place... Went on to buy a hat
As always the customer service was extremely helpful! Prices are high but thats the price you pay for convenience.
HUGE selection of anything you could possibly do outdoors.
This was my go to place for my sons archery needs. He got his 1st compound bow there. I really miss this store and its staff. Definitely recommend them for everything sports
Great customer service. Ive bought two pairs of shoes here so far and the staff were very helpful both times.
They didnt transfer a firearm for me to purchase because they just didnt want to. Told me they would see what they could do, hung up on me, and never followed up. Extremely rude and unprofessional.
One of my favorite store! This is where I got a lot of my boots, shoes, and sandals. Love the Smartwool socks!
Always was able to answer any questions I had and was very helpful and have a great selection of gear
1st time ever going here. Last time ever going here. I wish zero star was possible. Waited forever and got told to try other register twice.
Very helpful and pleasant staff
The staff here are extremely helpful and nice. they went above and beyond to help me and gave me sound advice. definitely going there again.
The staff are friendly and they have a GREAT disc golf selection. The only problem is that they don’t really have a selection of cheaper goods. Most of the clothes in the store are nice brands and therefore expensive. They’re not overcharging for those brands, they just don’t carry very many cheap brands. The staff are very friendly. If you disc golf you can open a punch card and get a free disc for every 10 you buy (our group of friends share a card so we get the free disc quicker)
They have a great selection of athletic clothes and gear. The staff is very friendly.
Friendly & knowledgeable staff, and great live fishing bait too!
Jacob was so very helpful. Thank you Jax, thank you Jacob!
Great service
Great selection and helpful staff. They have everything you can think of for fishing, hunting and the outdoors.
Fun stores interesting inventory and I like the surplus items
Great selection just a little on the pricey side
Scott was very helpful today. He help my wife and I pick out a backpack. He was very knowledgeable and took the time to fit us in the right size pack for your bodys. He give us some great advice for our up coming trip.
Great place for outdoor stuff
I really enjoy shopping here. The staff is highly knowledgeable. They always take their time to kindly assist and answer questions. The selection of goods is terrific.
There is a helpful knowledgeable staff to assist you in the selecting of the gear that you need. There is a good selection of many different brands. The store was clean and well organized.
Has hard to find in this area fly fishing/tying gear
Helpful and knowledgeable staff.
Friendly staff great inventory
Jax Outdoors is great. They have everything you need to enjoy the outdoors. Hunting, camping, backpacking, fishing, kayaking / canoeing, scouting and more. Great staff and competitive prices - you simply cant find a better outdoor store.
Always helpful. Best shoes in the area: work, casual and athletic. Worth paying a bit over online prices to support them. Also great warranty service if you have problems. They were able to locate my receipt in their own records to get the manufacturer replace a damaged/worn shoe nearly a year later.
Staff was extremely friendly and super helpful. They had everything I needed. Definitely recommend for anyone whos looking for good quality gear
Great place for any outdoor enthusiast
I love JAX! Very helpful, friendly staff. They have quality clothes and gear at JAX. Go visit the store!
Wow, unbelievable lack of products and a staff that did not have a clue what they had.
Greatest place for outdoor gear in Iowa
Everything you need for outdoors and knowledgeable staff!!!
I wants intentionally tried to stay away from staff but they just seem to find you..... I guess it is a hunting store.
Jax is a great store. They carry high end products. You get what you pay for. Ive bought all my guns here and some hunting apparel. Today I found some heated socks and a nice driving cap. Both are hard to find but they had them at a fair price. I have never had a problem with any of my guns from there either. Thanks!!
Take all my money
Fantastic place to find all of your outdoor needs. Highly recommend.
Best shop for outdoor adventures in central Iowa
Very helpful and knowledgeable staff even for close to closing time. Found great shoes there.
Love the hometown feel of this place. Seems to have everything sports related you would need
Fantastic selection of QUALITY outdoor gear. The staff is so friendly and always willing to go the extra mile to help you out.
Great selection of high quality footwear and sports/outdoor equipment. Also clothes and accessories. Amazing, helpful employees!
The great community around outdoor activities extends to JAX. Really nice people, frequent coupons and discounts. JAX also supports local climbing events such as Boulder Bash at ISU. Support community driven stores like JAX.
Great prices and friendly staff. They have a bit of everything
Helpful and friendly staff. The girl in the shoes went above and beyond. It was all a great experience. Highly recommend this place
I love this store and love how I can take my dog inside along with me!
Nice place with lots of gear. Very helpful staff as well.
Excellent outdoor store. Love the camping department. They carry stuff that you cant find hardly anywhere else and the staff was very knowledgeable and helpful. If you are an outdoor enthusiast, definitely give them a try. Also they rent cross country skis in the winter and kayaks/canoes in winter. Great options.
A great asset to the Ames/Boone area! I really enjoy the fishing section!
Staff are very knowledgeable, polite and helpful. They have a large variety of items and brands, in a well laid out store
Outstanding service and product knowledge on the part of the employees. It is clear they are highly trained, confident, and proud of the work they do. Bravo to Jax for creating an outstanding shopping experience dor the customer. It absolutely does add value to the product lineup.
Average experience..Cash register issues
The best!
We always have very helpful service finding what you need. They almost always have everything you need! Better than a big box store any day!
Love it here!! The staff is extremely helpful and friendly, and they have everything you could ever need! Note that there are technically two stores here, so if you cant find what you want on one side its probably in the other building. They also have rentals.
There is some what limited outdoor equipment. But the next best place is 20 miles away. So is worth taking a look for what ever need.
We stopped in today to look at snow shoes. We received excellent advice and have already been out to enjoy them!
Out of state customer...We went in because of the great reviews.. Place was not busy just a couple customers only employee I saw seen us looking at her at the shoes multiple times and didnt ask if we needed any assistance just stood behind counter...Put the 150.00 shoes we were looking at and the 60.00 hoody back and walked out...
Excellent store for all your outdoor needs. I buy a lot of gear from then and the service is always top notch. Andy helps me out on prices and getting the best deal. With them being local Id rather buy from them then online anytime!
They have just about everything for outdoor recreation.
Jax has a wide variety of outdoor gear for just about anything you like to do.
Most honest and knowledgeable outdoor goods store I have been too. They even told me that a competitor had a really great deal going for one item. That is honest and good service!