My daughter has played 8 Rec. seasons and 1 Academy season. Ive been very happy with both.
Best soccer club out there. You can play on the fields but the goals are locked so bring a portable net. They are like 40 bucks at target. Wonderful community and if you are looking to play for Ambush, great coaches and systems, played for about 4 years and no regrets many teams play nationally like mine. Wonderful field turf as well as grass.
Cause the people there are sexy
Can not play, look like ambush owns public park...
Best soccer club ever and a hard working club
Expensive play dates for practices
I dont understand, why they are allowed to reserve every single field in Webb bridge park, so other people have no place to play in the PUBLIC park!!!we all pay taxes in alpharetta, but some smarties decide that they gonna charge people in order to play in the PUBLIC park!!!why dont they build their own fields, and play there as much as you want, instead of paying 50 bucks for each field, so no one else will be able to play!!!!It is a PUBLIC PARK!!!!!!
Break = more practice other clubs give breaks ambush is serious
This is a glorified rec program...go elsewhere if your kid is serious about soccer.
Amazing team