A Voicemail box.. Nobody answers. NEXT!
Under new management. Looks totally different, much nicer, they are doing a great job. I’m always happy when I leave
Had a great time here fun atmosphere great bartenders (excellent costumer service) and fantastic drink deals
Drinking cold...
Had the most horrible time the new bartender was the rudest I have ever been treated we had to wait 20 minutes to get service and when we were asked what we wanted to drink she said she didnt have everything to make it and she promised we would like it but it was the most horrible drink I had ever had and then was given a another drink and no I didnt tip cuz I do that after my second drink but she demanded he tip and then was telling the whole bar about it when I got my next drink she gave a small one and yes I typed her then she was rude so I took my tip back
Best bar in Abilene